FAQs, Sammlungen
FAQs on Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission
Science Brief: SARS-CoV-2 and Surface (Fomite) Transmission for Indoor Community Environments
Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force, On the use of CO2 sensors in schools and other indoor environments.
Guide about Affordable CO2 detectors for COVID-19 Prevention, spain,https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K6gqMH4UXl6ljObtWooTJSyFskCkQFx3CXFtkNGBsDs/mobilebasic
Aktuelle Publikationen - Hintergründe
Jimenez and Peng, 2020, Dept. of Chem. & CIRES, Univ. Colorado, COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission Estimator
Kauermann et al. 2021, Infektionen am Arbeitsplatz und wie diese weiter getragen werden -eine statistische Betrachtung, CODAC Bericht 12, LMU München
Tiesler et al. 2009, Gesundheitsfördernde Einflüsse auf das Leistungsvermögen im schulischen Unterricht, isf-Bremen
Zhengtao Ai et al. 2020, Tracer gas is a suitable surrogate of exhaled droplet nuclei for studying airborne transmission in the built environment, BUILD SIMUL, Springer Nature
Villanueva et al., 2021, Assessment of CO2 and aerosol (PM2.5, PM10, UFP) concentrations during the reopening of schools in the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of a metropolitan area in Central-Southern Spain, Environmental Research Elsevier
Lewis, 2021, Why indoor spaces are still prime COVID hotspots, Nature
Pöhlker et al., 2021, Respiratory aerosols and droplets in the transmission of infectious diseases, arXiv:2103.01188
Li et al., 2021, Probable airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a poorly ventilated restaurant, Building and Environment
Smieszek et al., 2019, Assessing the Dynamics and Control of Droplet- and Aerosol-Transmitted Influenza Using an Indoor Positioning System, Nature Scientific Report
Chen et al. 2020, Short-range airborne route dominates exposure of respiratory infection during close contact, Building and Environment, Elsevier
Prather et al. 2020, Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2, Science
Rudnick, Milton, 2003, Risk of indoor airborne infection transmission estimated from carbon dioxide concentration, Indoor Air
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