Semesterticket & applications

Semesterticket at UCB

Activation of the semester ticket

You can activate the Deutschlandsemesterticket (valid in the WS from Sep.-Feb. & in the SS from March-Aug.) as follows:

  1. Download the NETINERA-Tickets app on you mobile phone (NETNIERA website).
  2. Register in the app with your university e-mail address.
  3. Confirm your account via email (and set a password)
  4. Log in to the app.
  5. Complete your profile in the app (date of birth, street, house number, zip code, city).
  6. You can find the further steps for purchasing the Deutschlandsemesterticket (0€ ticket) in this guide.


  • If the verification does not work the first time, please try again at a later time (2 hours later).
  • If the Deutschlandsemesterticket (0€ - ticket) does not appear for purchase immediately after verification, wait a short while and refresh the app page a few times.


Application for reimbursement

We are happy to tell to that we are able to offer a reimbursement for SS25. However, if we do not find a new mobility officer next semester, this service will be discontinued until further notice.

Reimbursement is possible for the summer semester 2025 in the following cases:

  • Study-related stay abroad for at least 3 months of the semester
  • Semester of leave / Leave of absence
  • Enrollment at two universities with a mandatory semester ticket
  • Severe disability with entitlement to transportation according to SGB IX

For a reimbursement, you must complete and sign the application for a reimbursement and submit it to us with the necessary supporting documents (see application) - preferably by email (

The deadline for submitting all necessary documents is 26.03.2025!

The reimbursement is a service that we as AStA offer you voluntarily from our own resources via the Mobility Department. There is only a legal entitlement if you have a severe disability (with entitlement to transportation according to SGB IX).

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