Leisure & Sports activities

Hobby rooms for students

Art room

Art room

In the summer semester 2022 the art room opened for all students. Acrylic, watercolor and oil paints are available for creative development. Canvases and easels are available and can be used.

The art room is located on the first floor of the communications building (9938-026). 

Simply email the AStA at asta@umwelt-campus.de, ask for access in the tea room or via the WhatsApp group (linked below) and get started.

Rules for the art room:
1. Please clean the used things like brushes and cups properly. 
2. Leave the art room in a tidy condition.
3. Let us know if material or anything else is missing.


Fitness room

Fitness room

There is a small fitness room on the 1st floor of the communications building (KG) that can be used freely by all students.

Rules for the fitness room:
1. Please pay attention to cleanliness and disinfect the used items properly. 
2. Please put the used items back in their proper place.
3. If you notice something missing, please contact us. 

Have fun at training!


Band room

Band room

In the band room you have the opportunity to discover your musical side, rehearse regularly with friends or even produce music yourself.
The band room is located on the upper floor of the communications building (9938-124).       

Transponders for the band rooms can be borrowed for one semester on request for a deposit of €50. Proof of liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung) is required.
 If required, a storage room can also be made available.

The room should be aired regularly during the stay.
For better coordination, it would be useful to enter the desired dates of use in the online calendar. There you will also find a list of instruments, including a piano, a drum kit and several guitars.

Billiard room

Billiard room

You will find the billiard table on the upper floor of the KG in the last room.

You can borrow the transponder for access from Contact or have it unlocked via the Teestube.

As with all rooms, please make sure to leave it tidy and clean.


Die Teestube

The Teestube is a common room and lounge in the KG for all students, which is run by volunteers. There you can make yourself comfortable on the sofa, play board games and Wii, chat with other students or study. You can also make coffee or tea for a donation. Various events also take place there regularly.

If you are interested in using the tea room for student purposes (such as a weekly games evening) or would like to join the team, please email teestube@umwelt-campus.de.

You can find the opening hours for the current semester on this page.

Events SS25

  • Wednesday, 5.30 pm - AStA meeting

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Campus pub Kadu

Campus pub Kadu

Since summer 2023, the AStA has taken over the campus pub. With a dedicated team of students, the Kadu is open for you every Tuesday from 8 pm. This includes the occasional bingo, karaoke or quiz night. Many committee events also take place in the Kadu.

If you would like to join the Kadu team and help run the pub, please get in touch at kadu@umwelt-campus.de.

Sports and leisure courses

Every semester, students, staff and lecturers offer a range of sports and leisure courses that you can attend for free.

Below you will find the courses taking place and all further information. There is a plan that shows the courses that take place in the sports hall and another that tries to summarize all other leisure and sports courses here on campus.

The allocation of time slots for the sports hall and the sports field is organized by the AStA at the start of each semester. Anyone interested in offering a course there during the current semester is welcome to contact us. 

For many of the courses, there are WhatsApp groups for internal organization and information exchange. If desired by the course leaders, you can find them after logging in at the bottom right of this page. Otherwise, you can get more information when you attend the course for the first time.

Sports hall plan SS25

Other courses and groups SS25

Campus pub

Open every Tuesday

from 8 pm!


New opening hours 

soon here:)


Login for WhatsApp and Signal groups

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