Maybe you ask yourself...
How do international students finance their studies in Germany?
What will my monthly outgoings be?
... you can find answers within this webpage:
You can find a great overview in the Counselling Compass, which you should also take a look at in full:
All foreign students can find a really good database here:
In addition if you already are at our campus:
The International Office of Trier University receives funds from the Foundation of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate to provide financial support for foreign students.
You must be regularly enrolled at Trier University of Applied Sciences and be making good progress in your studies.
You submit the application directly to the International Office at the UCB.
Please add the following documents with your application:
Current application deadline: Please contact the International Office for the next deadline.
At UCB you will regularly find new job offers in the signboard of the building 9914 (UCB-Contact).
You can find further funding opportunities on the following pages:
[Note: This information is a service of the International Office and is intended to provide initial information. The quality of the information is not checked. No liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness and quality of the information].
interne Informationsseite des UCB zu Stipendien und Stiftungen
interne Informationsseite über Stipendien und Stiftungen (
Studierendenwerk Trier > leben > Darlehen & Zuschüsse (
Stipendiendatenbank des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung BMBF (
Begabtenförderungswerke (
Stipendienprogramm der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (
Förderung begabter muslimischer Studierender (
Fördermöglichkeit für Studierende aus Afrika, Asien oder Lateinamerika (
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