The challenge of digitalisation, IoT and AI

The Internet of Things and Thinking (IoT2) increases society's resilience and is fun. Whether it's a pandemic, flooding, renewable energy, a shortage of skilled workers or digitalisation in schools - STEM is helping everywhere with innovative solutions. Be it CO2 traffic lights, water level measurement or switchable sockets - IoT connects the STEM subjects. And the great thing is that all ideas can also be easily implemented by pupils, students or interested citizens themselves. Find out more in the interview.

MINT macht Mut is therefore the motto of our initiative at the Environmental Campus. The accompanying book provides everything you need to know and shows how modern STEM lessons enable pupils to shape their own future.

A quick introduction to the IoT2 climate workshop for students and makers can be found under ‘Join in’.

The learning path for students of the computer science profile schools in RLP can be found under ‘School’.

Further information in the downloads below.

Think first - then digitise

Digitalisation is penetrating every area of society and bringing with it far-reaching, often disruptive changes. To prevent people from becoming powerless spectators, they need creative freedom and perspectives to actively shape the digital future.

Our concept therefore pursues a holistic approach: from school to vocational training and further education to projects in the private and professional environment, we enable rapid success - independent, practice-orientated and ‘Made in Germany’.

The key lies in the combination of theory and practice:

  • Concrete and tangible: Real-world problems facilitate access to algorithmic thinking.
  • Technological basis: Low-cost microcontrollers with WLAN make it possible to realise your own projects in the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Creative process: Design thinking and practical implementation playfully create a functioning prototype - the basis for innovative business models of the future.

In addition to technological skills, we attach great importance to considering the ethical aspects of digitalisation:

  • Creating equal opportunities
  • Minimise risks
  • Protect human rights
  • Promoting sustainability

You can only responsibly shape what you understand. Our workshop helps to shape the digital transformation not only technically, but also socially and ethically.

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