Examination Office

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News of the Examination Office at UCB

The 1+4 regulation that previously existed in examination regulations will no longer be implemented.

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If your doctor only issues eMedical-Certificates, you will find information on how to proceed here.

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From the summer semester 2024 onwards, official medical certificates must be submitted again from the fourth certificate submitted.

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Here you can find important information about examinations in short form.

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Service and Tasks of the Examination Office at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld

Opening hours

Opening Hours:

For students of the Department of Environmental Planning/Environmental Technology and course of study Renewable Energies:
Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Office hours with Claudia Endlich (room 9924/117) and Karina Baden (room 9924/108)
(Responsibilities see list on the website of the examination office)
Closed: Tuesday and Thursday after 12 noon as well as Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

For students of the Department of Environmental Business/Environmental Law and course of study Sustainable Business and Technology:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Office hours with Daniel Rabb (room 9924/120) and Isabel Kreuscher (room 9924/119)
Closed: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday after 12:00 p.m. as well as Thursday and Friday.

Use the opening hours to have your requests, such as the submission of documents or the registration of the final thesis (Thesis), processed.

If you would like to have a detailed consultation on a topic, we still ask that you make an appointment in advance so that we can take enough time for you. Longer consultations during opening hours are not possible in order to avoid long waiting times for following students and crowds of people in front of the offices of the examination office.
If you only want to submit documents, you can use our mailbox near the form shelves in building 9924, 1st floor, north corridor.

On days and times when the Examination Office is closed, access to the Examination Office is only possible by prior appointment. Please understand that we will not process your request without an appointment.

Avoid visiting the examination office if you are suffering from colds or other symptoms of illness, or wear appropriate mouth/nose covering (medical or FFP2 mask ) when visiting to prevent staff from becoming infected.
In case of proven contagious diseases, such as a Corona infection, please clarify your concerns by phone or email.

Tasks of the Examination Office
  • Consulting in general exam questions
  • Grade management and counting of attempt
  • Acceptance application form for Recognition basic and specialized internship (practical  pre education) and of the practical study phase
  • Acceptance of medical certificates
  • Consulting and acceptance application form for recognition of credits and forwarding to responsible persons, input of the recognized credits into QIS
  • Registration Practical study phase / practical study semester / semester abroad
  • Registration bachelor's thesis and master's thesis
  • Creation of Diplomas, graduation certificates
  • Exmatriculation of Graduates
  • Clearance certificate for other universities and other individual certificates on special student request e.g. for the Foreign Office
  • Advice and processing of intern change of the course of Study (Application via the StudIS application portal = Change of Immatriculation, responsibility = Student Services), processing applications for recognition of achievements to the new course of study
  • Advice in case of pregnancy regarding protection regulations, examinations, protection periods

This list has no end.
The Examination Office advises you in questions regarding your course of study and with emphasis on examinations.
We help you when you have problems and questions pertaining to your examination regulations and all the other regulations.
We clarify with you, if the change of the course of study is good for you or not.
We can provide with all types of certificates, which you may need for yourself or other administration offices (for excample BaföG).
We are your point of contact for problems pertaining to your registration or de-registration to/from examinations.
We also offer consultation pertaining to the recognition of credits obtained from other universities.
In short: For any questions or concerns, please come to the examination office for competent and detailed advice. Please adhere to our opening hours or ask us via email or phone for an individual appointment outside of the opening hours.

Individual Appointments

If you are not able to visit us during our opening hours or if you want a detailed consultation in a special Topic, you can make an individual appointment in advance so that we can take enough time for you. Please make this appointment one day in advance of the requested date via email or telephone.



Contact via telephone

You are also welcome to address your enquiries to us by telephone during normal business hours between 8:00 and 16:00.
Please note, however, that we are in consultation with students during opening hours in the mornings and are therefore often unable to answer the phone.
Our lunch break is between 12:30 and 13:30.
It is better to call in the afternoon from 13:30 or on Fridays between 9:00 and 12:00.



Email contact addresses

Please note the following information for e-mail enquiries:

  1. Please be sure to write your name, matriculation number and course of study and in short form your topic in the subject line of your e-mail.
    This will help us to allocate and answer your enquiry more quickly.
  2. Please only use the relevant e-mail address of the department in which you are enrolled:
    For students of the department Environmental Planing/Environmental Technology, use pruefungsamt-uput(at)umwelt-campus.de .
    For students of the department Environmental Business Management/ Environmental Law, use  pruefungsamt-uwur(at)umwelt-campus.de .
  3. Please always write to us from the university's campus mail system with your Campus mailing address  and not from your private mail address.
    This is the only way we can ensure that our reply is actually sent to the authorised person!


Mailing Address

Our mailing address is as follows:

Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Prüfungsamt, Postfach 13 80, 55761 Birkenfeld

Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Prüfungsamt, Campusallee, 55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach

Responsible clerks for our Bachelor´s Degree programs

Course of study Degree Department Clerk
Applied Computer Sciences Bachelor of Science UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Applied Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (incl. dual) Bachelor of Science UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Applied Sciences and Engineering Bachelor of Engineering UP/UT Karina Baden
Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering (incl. dual) Bachelor of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Biopharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing (incl. dual) Bachelor of Engineering UP/UT Karina Baden
Bioengineering and Process Engineering Bachelor of Engineering UP/UT Karina Baden
Business and Environmental Law Bachelor of Laws UW/UR Isabel Kreuscher
Communication Psychology and Sustainability Bachelor of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Environmental Economics and Business Management Bachelor of Arts UW/UR Daniel Rabb
Environmental Informatics and Business Information Systems (incl. dual) Bachelor of Science UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Industrial Engineering / Environmental Planning Bachelor of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Mechanical Engineering – Product Development Bachelor of Engineering UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Media Informatics Bachelor of Science UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Nonprofit and NGO-Management (incl. dual) Bachelor of Arts UW/UR Daniel Rabb
Production Technology (Dual) Bachelor of Engineering UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Renewable Energy Bachelor of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Sustainable Business and Technology Bachelor of Engineering UW/UR Daniel Rabb
Sustainable Business Management (incl. dual) Bachelor of Arts UW/UR Daniel Rabb
Sustainable Resource Management (dual) Bachelor of Arts UW/UR Daniel Rabb

Responsible clerks for our Master´s Degree programs

Course of study Degree Department Clerk
Applied Computer Sciences Master of Science UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Bioprocess and Process Engineering Master of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Bio-, Pharmaceutical and Process Technology Master of Engineering UP/UT Karina Baden
Business Administration and Engineering Master of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Business and Energy Law Master of Laws UW/UR Isabel Kreuscher
Cleanroom Technology in Parmaceutical Manufacturing (Start Summer semester 2025) Master of Engineering UP/UT Karina Baden
Digital Product Development / Mechanical Engineering Master of Engineering UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Environmental Economics and Business Management Master of Arts UW/UR Daniel Rabb
Environmentally oriented Energy Technology Master of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Insolvency and Reorganisation Law Master of Laws UW/UR Isabel Kreuscher
International Material Flow Management Master of Engineering UW/UR Claudia Endlich
International Material Flow Management Master of Science UW/UR Claudia Endlich
Media Informatics Master of Science UP/UT Claudia Endlich
Renewable Energies Master of Science UP/UT Karina Baden
Sustainable Business Management Master of Arts UW/UR Daniel Rabb
Sustainable Change - from knowledge to act Master of Arts UW/UR Isabel Kreuscher

Contact via E-Mail and Telephone

Please only use the relevant e-mail address of the department in which you are enrolled!

E-Mail-Adresses Examination Office
For students of the department Environmental Planning/Environmental Technology and of the course of study Renewable Energies:

For students of the department Environmental Business/Environmental Law and of the course of Study Sustainable Business and Technology:

Phone calls to the Examination Office
You can currently reach us by phone
Monday to Thursday, preferably in the afternoon.
You can find the telephone number of the person responsible for you in the following information boxes of the team members of the Examinations Office. You can find the team member responsible for your course of study in the overview list of courses of study.

Opening Hours of the Examination Office

The examination office will be open to the public again with limited hours.
During the times indicated here, you can come to us without an appointment.
For detailed consultations, please continue to make an individual appointment!

For students of the Department of Environmental Planning/Environmental Technology
Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Opening hours at clerk's office UP/UT:
Claudia Endlich (Room 9924/117) and Karina Baden (Room 9924/115)
(Responsibilities see list on the website of the Examinations Office)
Closed: Tuesday and Thursday after 12 noon as well as Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

For students of the Department of Environmental Business/Environmental Law
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Opening hours for UW/UR clerk: Daniel Rabb (Room 9924/120).
Closed: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday after 12:00 p.m. as well as Thursday and Friday.

Appointments outside the opening hours

You don't have time to come to the examination office during opening hours?
You need a detailed consultation?
No problem:
Write us an e-mail and ask for an appointment.
Then we are happy to be there for you with enough time.

Access to the Examination Office

Avoid visiting the examination office if you are suffering from colds or other symptoms of illness, or wear appropriate mouth/nose covering (medical or FFP2 mask ) when visiting to prevent staff from becoming infected.
In case of proven contagious diseases, such as a Corona infection, please clarify your concerns by phone or email.

Examination Office Staff

Karina Baden

Point of contact:
via telephone: +49 6782 / 17 - 1865
Email: pruefungsamt-uput(at)umwelt-campus.de
Location: Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld | Building 9924| Room 115

Opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday, each from 9:00 to 12:00

and with individual appointments

Claudia Endlich

Point of contact:
via telephone: +49 6782 / 17 - 1835
Email: pruefungsamt-uput(at)umwelt-campus.de
Location: Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld | Building 9924| Room 117

Opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday, each from 9:00 to 12:00

and with individual appointments

Isabel Kreuscher

Point of contact:
via telephone: +49 6782 / 17 - 1834
Email: pruefungsamt-uwur@umwelt-campus.de
Location: Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld | Building 9924| Room 119

Opening hours:
Monday through Wednesday: 9:00 to 12:30
and with individual appointments

Daniel Rabb

Point of contact:
via telephone: +49 6782 / 17 - 2652
Email: pruefungsamt-uwur(at)umwelt-campus.de
Location: Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld | Building 9924| Room 120

Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, each from 9:00 to 12:00
and with individual appointments

Head of Examination Office: Gabi Stahl

Point of contact:
via telephone: +49 6782 / 17 - 1844
Email: g.stahl(at)umwelt-campus.de
Location: Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld | Building 9924| Room 109

For an appointment during the above listed hours, an appointment must be made in advance.

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