As part of your student cooperation obligations, it is your responsibility to be present in good time for the start of the exam. You are obliged to adapt your journey to the weather conditions, to organise alternative travel arrangements and, if necessary, even to arrive one day before the examination if, for example, snowfall is announced.
If you are unable to sit the examination due to illness, you must submit a medical certificate to the Examination Office within three working days of the examination. In order to meet the deadline, we recommend that you send the medical certificate and the supplement to the certificates in advance by e-mail and that you submit the originals immediately. You will find everything else that is important in this regard or in relation to official medical certificates in our section "Information for Students".
It is best to leave cheat sheets, mobile phones and other unauthorised aids (e.g. unauthorised handwritten notes in authorised documents such as law books) at home. Even carrying them around in the examination room is considered prima facie evidence of a deliberate attempt to cheat and your examination will be assessed as "failed". You are responsible for ensuring that you are not suspected of attempting to cheat.
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