Welcome to the In­sti­tute for Op­er­a­tions and Tech­nol­ogy Man­age­ment

The IBT at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld

The Institute for Operations and Technology Management (IBT), located at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld of the Trier University of Applied Sciences, offers industrial and commercial services in energy system technology, production optimization, design automation, and measurement technology. Modern infrastructure and the know-how from different fields guarantee the optimal solution to technical tasks by applied research and development.

The interdisciplinary working groups have in-depth technical and organizational knowledge and experience, which are necessary for a target-oriented and successful implementation of application-oriented research projects.

Our research focuses on (regenerative) energy technology and production technology. The connecting link between the two fields is energy efficiency as the interface between production and energy use.

Companies and municipalities use our expertise in consulting on using renewable and highly efficient energy generation plants and model development. We also support our partners in identifying and acquiring funding for the implementation of projects.

In addition, we offer students practical training in Bachelor's and Master's degree courses. Companies benefit from our training and other educational concepts. Finally, we regularly organize specialist conferences to exchange know-how in energy systems and production technology.


Trier University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Institut for Operations and Technology Management (IBT)
Campusallee 9925
55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach

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