
The following notes and rules must be kept in mind when writing scientific theses (Bachelor and Master):

Notes on the preparation of scientific theses (Prof. Dr. te Heesen)
Notes on technical reports (Prof. Dr. Preußler) (in German)

You can download the following files as sample documents for your scientific texts or presentations. The main form and layout specifications are preset in the files. Please consult your supervising professor regarding formatting and layout.
Sample document for scientific papers for MS Word
Sample presentation for MS PowerPoint

Logo of the Umwelt-Campus for download:
PNG format
PDF format

Topics for theses can be found at the professors of the IBT:


Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen
Professor FB Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik - FR Maschinenbau


+49 6782 17-1908


Birkenfeld | Building 9925 | Room 12


nur nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail/only by arrangement via mail


Trier University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Institut for Operations and Technology Management (IBT)
Campusallee 9925
55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach

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