Dear students and prospective students at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld,
there are very good possibilities to finance your own studies completely or partially by receiving a scholarship. Before you get in touch with the scholarship commissioners at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, please inform yourself first about the available web portals and downloads and then feel free to contact us with specific questions. The contact persons at the UCB (possible for Deutschlandstipendium, Landesstipendium, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, promotion of families/equality, study abroad, graduation) can be found in the scholarship list short version. Even more possibilities and many links can be found in the long version of the scholarship list. (Database Federal Republic of Germany ) (BMBF database)
Federal Association of German Foundations:
German Academic Exchange Service:
Here you can find more information about scholarships and foundations:
Scholarship information Kalcon Foundation:
- For students with primary residence in the region of Birkenfeld, Idar-Oberstein and Kirn and studying a so called MINT subject (Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Technology).
The Kalyandjian-Conradt Foundation supports the studies of young adults who are entitled to BAföG (Federal Law concerning the Promotion of Education or Training). The students are expected to achieve a qualified degree (Master). Funding is provided exclusively for courses of study in mathematics, natural sciences, computer science and technical subjects.
Selection procedure
If the submitted documents meet the requirements, applicants will be invited to a personal interview. Following the interview, they will be informed of the decision of the foundation's board of directors.
Funding is provided until the applicant has obtained a qualified degree (if possible, within the regular period of study). The grants are paid monthly and do not have to be repaid. Proof of academic achievement must be submitted by e-mail after the completion of every two semesters.
Application Requirements
Application documents
Applications for financial support can be made at any time after passing the Abitur (diploma from German secondary school qualifying for university admission or matriculation) up to the point of achieving a qualified degree and should be sent in duplicate to the following address:
Kalyandjian-Conradt Foundation
Main Street 5
55758 Veitsrodt
In case of incorrect information or other important reasons, funding may be revoked.
Corinne Schuhmacher
Gerd-Rüdiger Dreher
The "Dr. Wolfgang and Anita Bürkle Foundation" was established in 2007 by Anita Bürkle. It serves the selfless promotion of the charitable and benevolent purposes mentioned below.
The main focus of the foundation is, among other things, the promotion of endangered nature and the environment, the promotion of children, young people and vocational training, adult education and the promotion of art, culture and literature. Since 2007, the foundation's intentions have been implemented in a large number of projects that primarily benefit the people of the city of Kirn & the surrounding area in a variety of ways in accordance with the foundation's statutes.
The Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, with its regional connection to Kirn and the surrounding area (districts of Birkenfeld, Bad Kreuznach), has been awarding the Bürkle Scholarship annually since 2019, initially for five years. The scholarship corresponds to a
The chances of receiving a scholarship should be carefully checked before submitting an application. If only one of the above criteria applies, an application should be made in any case. If you have any questions, please contact the scholarship commissioner at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Hartard (s.hartard(at) Before applying, it should be carefully checked whether there is a regional reference. According to the statutes of the Bürkle Foundation, a region is defined as the area around the town of Kirn and the districts of Birkenfeld and Bad Kreuznach:
These criteria include, for example, projects in the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park, the Stefan Morsch Foundation, but also voluntary work at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, involvement in a local authority, in youth and old people's welfare, in a charitable or social institution (DRK, ASB, hospice help) and much more.
Please upload the application documents as one pdf file via the following upload link:
Applications are possible until 31.12. of each year (midnight, deadline).
The following documents must be sent in the form of a pdf file:
Selection criteria Bürkle scholarship
Who can apply?
The selection criteria for the award of Bürkle scholarships are based on the contract for the establishment of a Bürkle scholarship dated 14.11.2018 between the Bürkle Foundation and the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld of Trier University.
Students who can prove with non-profit, social, environmental activities with a regional connection to Kirn and the surrounding area (districts of Birkenfeld, Bad Kreuznach) and / or do projects, internships, theses that contribute to regional development are eligible to apply.
These criteria include, for example, projects in the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park, the Stefan Morsch Foundation, voluntary work at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, but also involvement in a local authority, in youth and elderly welfare, in a charitable and social institution (DRK, ASB) or an association, provided they have a regional connection.
Additional social commitment, also outside the region and good to very good academic performance and school achievements are considered in the selection of students and should be proven in any case.
In the application process, the student's main place of residence during his or her studies must be indicated; regional relevance is also an advantage here.
Selection process
Students who already receive a scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium, Landesstipendium Rheinland-Pfalz or other scholarship for gifted students) will not be supported. Applicants are evaluated on the basis of a fixed list of criteria. The selection committee consists of representatives of the Bürkle Foundation and the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld. A scholarship is awarded for one year. The Bürkle scholarships will initially be awarded in five consecutive years until 2023 in an annual selection process.
What documents do I need for my application?
Please upload the application documents as one pdf file via the following upload link:
The application is possible until 31.12. of each year (midnight, deadline).
The following documents are mandatory to be submitted in the form of a pdf file:
Important Notes
1. please send evidence for all the information you have provided closed as a pdf file, please only one pdf file with all documents (e.g. in the form of certificates, diplomas, official certificates), otherwise they will not be considered for the scholarship award.
2. completely without regional references (residence and/or project/activity/internship/thesis and/or support of regional development) an application is not probable.
3. start your evaluation in time with the compilation of all documents and do not forget the certificates of your social activities.
4. unfortunately, the subsequent sending of documents after the application deadline is not possible.
Advice & Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Susanne Hartard
Scholarship Commissioner at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Phone: 06782 - 17 1322
E-Mail: s.hartard(at)
Personal consultation after appointment by mail
The Deutschlandstipendium is a scholarship programme designed by the Federal Government of Germany and implemented in many German universities. Its aim is to provide support to high-achieving students who are socially committed. Half the scholarship is funded by the Federal Government; the other half is pledged by private sponsors (mainly companies and foundations).
Recipients of the Deutschlandstipendium are supported with 300 Euros per month for the duration of one year. In addition, the scholarship programme establishes a network of private sponsors, alumni, and scholarship holders. The personal exchange between all groups is supported by the university with events. Furthermore, some of the private sponsors invite the students they support to visit their companies or offer internships to them. For the students, participation in all these activities is voluntary.
How to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium
Applications for complete study grants are possible through the foundations of the political parties, the German National Academic Foundation, the Hans Böckler Foundation (close to the trade unions) and the church foundations.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (CDU)
Hanns-Seidel Stiftung (CSU)
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (SPD)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Struwe
Prof. Dr. Michael Bottlinger
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (FDP)
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Grüne)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann (UCB)
Prof. Dr. Peter Heck (UCB)
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Linke)
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stoll (UCB)
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (gewerkschaftsnah)
Prof. Dr. Alfons Matheis (UCB)
Evangelical: Evangelisches Studienwerk Villingst
Catholic Cusanuswerk
Muslim: Avicenna Studienwerk
Equal Opportunity Office at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Secretariat of the Central Equal Opportunity Officer (Prof. Dr. Rita Spatz)
Ms. Britta Billert
Phone: 06782/17-1913
gs[at], Building: 9925, Room 047
ARIADNE Scholarship (for female students)
Contact: Ms. Anne Mueller
Phone: 06782/17-1937
also annually calls for proposals to support pregnant women/single parents
Ariadne scholarship for female students at the University of Applied Sciences Trier
The Ariadne scholarship of the University of Applied Sciences Trier can be awarded to all female students and all female Phd-students regardless of their departmental affiliation. The scholarship is funded by the HSP-III-Program for the advancement of women in science and academic studies.
Criteria for the selection of suitable candidates are:
Applications can be submitted to the equality office of the University of Applied Sciences Trier to the 15th of July each year. You can download the relevant forms and checklists following the links on the right side.
Please mind: letters not addresses in the following way may be opened by the universities postal service. Strictly confidential mail should therefore always be addressed such like:
<Name of contact person>
University of Applied Sciences Trier
Equality office
Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
PO Box 1380
55761 Birkenfeld
For further information and questions, you may have, please contact Anne Müller.
For more information about the scholarships of the Equal Opportunities Office (promotion of women, studying with children, etc.), please click here!
Here you will also find a comprehensive list of scholarships with internal and external funding for downloading.
PROMOS - Semester Abroad: International Office at the UCB
Daniela Haubrich
Campus Trier: Christoph Lex
Financial aid for student mobility/travel/subsistence costs (semester abroad, internship abroad)
DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service
Prof. Dr. Walter Jakoby
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hartard
Annual call for proposals and application until end of September
Studierendenwerk Trier University
Contact: Karla Trösch
Employee at Servicepoint Birkenfeld/ KfW loan administrator
The DAAD offers a new scholarship program for university students and teachers who wish to spend time abroad.
What is supported?
What is included in the scholarship?
Study stays and final theses:
Participation in trade fairs:
You can find more information on the DAAD page; here you can apply directly (Module C). Inform yourself early so that you can compile the application documents!
Information on further funding opportunities and general information on projects abroad can be found here.
For a limited period of time, students at Trier University of Applied Sciences who are in financial need due to the war in Ukraine have had the opportunity to apply for financial support from an emergency aid fund once or twice a year since 2022: through the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation, the state made funds available to support students at universities in Rhineland-Palatinate in financial emergencies resulting from the war in Ukraine.
The call for applications for the funding is open to all students at Trier University of Applied Sciences. Please read the application information carefully, the information is filed on the central scholarship website of Trier University
Scholarships for Gifted Students of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Jochen Struwe
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