
Winter semester courses

Informatics for industrial engineers

Lecturer responsible: Prof. Dr. P. Fischer-Stabel 


  • Importance of information technology in companies, administration and society
  • Fundamentals of information processing
  • System software, application software, operational information systems
  • Software development, algorithmic thinking, basic programming constructs
  • Possibilities of office systems for individual data processing, especially for the development of simple applications
  • ChatBots and their fields of application
  • Security in information technology and data protection

Qualification goals: Students should be able to assess the importance and benefits of computer science, especially of standard software in business and administration, name and describe basic terms and concepts of computer science and develop simple applications with office systems. 

Didactic concept: Lectures with practical exercises

Assessment of performance: Grade and credit points are awarded on the basis of a written examination.

Scope: 4 hours per week

Workload: 150 hours

Frequency of the course: Annually

Prerequisites for participation: none

P. FISCHER-STABEL, K. GOLLMER (2016): Informatik für Ingenieure. Fit für das Internet der Dinge.- utb 4645, UKV/Lucius, München (Only available in German)

Information Technology

Lecturer responsible: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel, Prof. Dr. Guido Dartmann

The students will learn methods and tools computer science. They will be able to
develop simple algorithms, optimize processes, and compare different approaches.
The goal is to develop competences to solve a typical problem of computer engineering.

Based on the fundamentals of computer science, a structured way of thinking and
program development will be conveyed.

  • Computer architecture and system software
  • Algorithms (pseudo code, flow diagrams)
  • Programming tools and languages
  • Data types and expressions (program languages, especially Matlab)
  • Modularization (procedures, functions, local variables, recursion)
  • Computer Networts & Internet
  • ChatBot´s
  • Security in IT-Applications
  • Green IT

Didactic concept:
Lectures with exercises

P. FISCHER-STABEL, K. GOLLMER (2016): Informatik für Ingenieure. Fit für das Internet der Dinge.- utb 4645, UKV/Lucius, München (Only available in German)

Remote Sensing

Lecturer responsible: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel

The students will learn methods, tools and operational systems in remote sensing technologies. They will be able to develop simple algorithms in image processing, to extract feature based information at the earth surface.

Course outline:

  • The what, why and how of remote sensing
  • Geospatial reference systems
  • Multispectral and radar systems
  • Lidar and Sonar systems
  • Digital image processing and analysis
  • Local remote sensing and micro-drones / uav´s
  • Common applications in environmental monitoring

Didactic concept:
Lectures with practical exercises

LILLESAND/KIEFER/CHIPMAN (2018): Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation.- John Wiley & Sons, New York

Data visualization

Lecturer responsible: Prof. Dr. P. Fischer-Stabel 

Content: The course will cover the basics of data visualization using concrete examples. The focus will be on the following topics:

Basics of computer visualization

  • The visualization pipeline
  • Basic and advanced diagramming techniques
  • Geovisualization and cartography
  • Data visualization in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications
  • Visualization and manipulation
  • Introduction to standard software for computer visualization

Qualification goals: After actively participating in this course, students are familiar with the basics of computer visualization and are able to understand, implement and evaluate tasks in the field of data visualization. They will be able to prepare and visualize complex data sets with the help of selected software.

Didactic concept: Lecture with practical exercises 

Assessment of performance: 
Grade and credit points are awarded on the basis of a written examination.

Scope: 4 hours per week

Workload: 150 hours

Frequency of the course: Annually

Prerequisites for participation: none


  • Fischer-Stabel, P. (2024): Datenvisualisierung. Vom Diagramm zur Virtual Reality. 2nd edition. - UTB-Nr 5028, UKV Verlag München (Only available in German)
  • Schumann, Müller (2000): Visualisierung: Grundlagen und allgemeine Methoden - Springer Verlag (Only available in German)
  • Harris, Robert (1999): Information Graphics. A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference.- Oxford University Press, Oxford 

Summer semester courses

Geographic information systems

Lecturer responsible: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel

This course teaches the theoretical fundamentals of the structure and operation of geographic information systems and the conception of geodata infrastructures (GDI). In particular, the following sub-areas are covered:

  • Information technology basics of GIS
  • Spatial reference systems
  • Methods and tools of geo-information systems
  • Overview of official geodata
  • Modeling of spatial facts
  • Techniques for providing spatial data and services
  • International standardization and geodata infrastructures
  • Geovisualization and thematic cartography
  • Selected GIS applications from the economy, environment and administration

Qualification goals:

  • Acquisition of theoretical, methodological and operational skills for the development of geo-information systems
  • Understanding of the methods and algorithms used

Didactic concept:
Lectures with exercises

Assessment of performance: 
Grade and credit points are awarded on the basis of an oral examination or a written exam.

Scope: 4 hours per week

Workload: 120 hours

Frequency of the course: Annually


  • Fischer-Stabel (Editor) (2021): Umweltinformationssysteme - Grundlagen einer Angewandten GeoInformatik/GeoIT.- 3rd edition, Wichmann Verlag, VDE Berlin (Only available in German)
Environmental information systems

Lecturer responsible: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel

In addition to the special characteristics of environmental data and environmental information, the various system components of environmental information systems (EIS) are presented. Depending on the level of knowledge of the participants, selected chapters from the following list of topics will be dealt with in depth:

  • Basics of spatial information systems
  • Legal framework for access to environmental information
  • Range of methods for collecting environmental data
  • System components of EIS
  • Data catalogs and meta-information systems
  • Environmental monitoring with measuring networks
  • Smart metering - intelligent measuring and metering technology for energy and the environment
  • User-friendly data preparation and geo-visualization
  • Positioning and satellite positioning methods
  • Web services for environmental data
  • National and international operational environmental information systems

Qualification objectives:

  • Knowledge of the special features of geodata and environmental data
  • Ability to design environmental information systems
  • Overview of existing systems

Didactic concept:
Lecture and practical exercises

Assessment of performance: 
Oral or written examination or term paper

Scope: 4 hours per week

Workload: 150 hours

Frequency: Annually

Prerequisites for participation:
Basics of data processing; interest in environmentally relevant issues


  • Fischer-Stabel (Editor) (2021): Umweltinformationssysteme - Grundlagen einer Angewandten GeoInformatik/GeoIT.- 3rd edition, Wichmann Verlag, VDE Berlin (Only available in German)
  • Environmental information systems

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel

Geo-Engineering as a response to climate change: In order to prepare for the cases that the reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations may fail or that consequences of climate change may prove worse than expected, a lot of techniques are under discussion to alter the climate. This module introduces to some of the concepts such as CCS, solar radiation management, ocean fertilization and others. Ethical aspects of such technologies are discussed as well as the legal and political framework.

The lecture is one part of the international study semester.


  • FISCHER-STABEL, P. (Editor) (2022): GeoEngineering - Climate Engineering. Overview on the latest technologies and ideas.- University of Applied Sciences Trier, Environmental-Campus, Germany
Chinese-German StudySeminar "Information Systems in Land Management" (new date will be published soon) 中德研究研讨会“土地管理信息系统”

Climate change, conflicts between food and energy supply, the loss of biodiversity, demographic changes and the intensive use of land by settlements, transport and business require innovative and regionally adapted solutions. This task can be solved only with well-founded ecosystem knowledge, which results from long-term environmental observations.

But, environmental data processing appears to be a complex field. It places special requirements on the collection and administration, processing and user-friendly preparation and provision of high quality data and information. Although there are hardly any national differences between China and Germany in the information technology and the collection and processing of the data, these are all the more apparent due to the regionally different natural conditions and, in particular, due to different socio-cultural contexts.

Beside the presentation of national german information systems in land management, the latter points will be analyzed as one part of the study seminar and worked up for a better understanding of the respective systems.

Programme and schedule will be communicated soon.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel (p.fischer-stabel@umwelt-campus.de)

当今全球气候变化,生物多样性的流失,粮食和能源供应之间的冲突 ,人口数量的变化分配不均以及居住,运输和商业对土地的过度占用,这一系列正在发生的危机都急需要有一些新型的因地制宜的解决方案。解决这些问题的关键就在于拥有扎实的生态系统知识,而且这些知识是基于对环境长期的观察得出的。



联系人:Peter Fischer-Stabel教授(p.fischer-stabel@umwelt-campus.de)

Current topics for theses and research projects

Projects and theses with Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer-Stabel

Project and examination theses are usually carried out as part of current R&D projects and in cooperation with engineering offices and industry. They vary in scope depending on the subject and intensity of the work (interdisciplinary project, Bachelor's, Diploma or Master's thesis). The focus of the topics to be worked on is in the field of geoinformatics and environmental informatics. The following topics are currently of interest as part of ongoing R&D projects:

  • Citizen sciences and crowd sourcing in environmental monitoring and disaster control
  • Geodata and 3D city models in AR and VR applications
  • Development of INSPIRE-compliant geodata infrastructures
  • Geovisualization, web mapping and map services
  • Integration of sensor networks for environmental monitoring
  • Current developments in the field of GNSS systems
  • Use of laser scanning data in urban and landscape planning
  • Information systems for subterranean structures
  • Current landscape ecology and ICT-related research topics in various large protected areas (national parks, UNESCO biosphere reserves)
  • Visualization of environmental data

If you are interested in working on one of the topics listed, please contact me by e-mail. You are also welcome to suggest your own fields of work.

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