The University of Applied Sciences Trier has several videoconferencing systems on the main campus and on the environmental campus, which enable video conferences to be held both between the locations and with external participants.
Videoconferencing between the locations
Reserve a video conference room at both locations for the desired date. When the equipment in both locations is turned on at the beginning of the conference, select the remote party in one location (all equipment is registered on speed dial keys or in the directory) and start the videoconference. The system also supports the simultaneous presentation of documents.
Videoconference with an external party
A conference with an external participant basically works like an inter-site conference. However, the external participant has to support the H.323 protocol (for detailed information please refer to the Competence Center for Videoconferencing Services at TU Dresden) and know the IP address of the local system in order to dial in. Under certain circumstances, a firewall at the external participant's site may limit the connection possibilities, in which case the corresponding administrator must be consulted. The firewall of the Trier University of Applied Sciences allows connections from outside. Depending on the capability of the external systems, documents can also be presented.
Detailed instructions on connection options and rooms can be found on the following page:
IT-ServicePoint (Building 9917 / Room 112):
Mon. - Th.: 09:00 - 13:00 (or per appointment)
Mail and Phone:
Mon. - Th.: 08:30 - 11:30 and 12:30 - 16:00
Fr.: 08:30 - 11:30
PC and printer rooms:
Mon. - Sat.: 07:00 - 22:00
Please send an e-mail to
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