Immission and radiation protection

EMF database

The Bundesnetzagentur (engl. Federal Network Agency) monitors compliance with legal limits for electromagnetic fields. The EMF database allows citizens in Germany to access free information about radio installations that require site certification and measurement locations of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in their vicinity.


ODL Germany

This is the radiation monitoring network of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. The radiation exposure due to natural radioactivity in the environment at various measuring points can be accessed here.


Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring Europe

The REMon (Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring) system compiles data from monitoring stations and radioactivity measurements across Europe. Various maps and real-time measurement data can be accessed, among other resources.


Noise mapping Rhineland-Palatinate

The State Office for Environment, Water Management, and Trade Supervision provides information about the implementation of the EU Environmental Noise Directive. A GIS-based mapping service offers access to maps displaying sound levels near major roads in Rhineland-Palatinate. The data reflects the status as of 2007.



OpenSenseMap is a platform for open sensor data that anyone can join. The project began in 2015 as part of the GI@School initiative at the Institute for Geoinformatics in Münster, where it is used alongside the senseBox to provide students and interested citizens with a platform to collect and publish their measurement data. An interactive map provides a clear display of data from numerous air quality measurement stations worldwide.

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