Criteria catalog for sustainable software


  • Abdullah, Rusli; Abdullah, Salfarina; Din, Jamilah; Tee, Mcxin; others (2015): A Systematic Literature Review of Green Software Development in Collaborative Knowledge Management Environment. In: International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT) 9, S. 136.
  • Abdullah, Rusli; Abdullah, Salfarina; Tee, Mcxin (2014): Web-based knowledge management model for managing and sharing green knowledge of software development in community of practice. In: Software Engineering Conference (MySEC), 2014 8th Malaysian. IEEE, S. 210–215.
  • Afgan, Naim Hamdia (2010): Sustainability paradigm: intelligent energy system. In: Sustainability 2 (12), S. 3812–3830.
  • Afzal, Shehla; Saleem, M. Faisal; Jan, Fahad; Ahmad, Mudassar (2013): A Review on Green Software Development in a Cloud Environment Regarding Software Development Life Cycle:(SDLC) Perspective. In: International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 4 (9), S. 3054–3058.
  • Agarwal, Shalabh; Nath, Asoke; Chowdhury, Dipayan (2012): Sustainable Approaches and Good Practices in Green Software Engineering. In: IJRRCS 3 (1), S. 1425–1428. Online verfügbar unter
  • Ahmad, Ruzita; Baharom, Fauziah; Hussain, Azham (2014): A Systematic Literature Review on Sustainability Studies in Software Engineering. In: Proceedings of KMICe. Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) 2014. Malaysia, 12 – 15 August 2014.
  • Albertao, Felipe (2004): Sustainable Software Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley. Online verfügbar unter
  • Albertao, Felipe; Xiao, Jing; Tian, Chunhua; Lu, Yu; Zhang, Kun Qiu; Liu, Cheng (2010): Measuring the Sustainability Performance of Software Projects. In: IEEE Computer Society (Hg.): 2010 IEEE 7th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2010), Shanghai, China. Technical Committee on Electronic Commerce (TCEC), S. 369–373. Online verfügbar unter
  • Amsel, Nadine; Ibrahim, Zaid; Malik, Amir; Tomlinson, Bill (2011): Toward sustainable software engineering (NIER track). In: Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering. ACM, S. 976–979.
  • Ardito, Luca; Morisio, Maurizio (2014): Green IT - Available data and guidelines for reducing energy consumption in IT systems. In: Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 4 (1), S. 24–32.
  • RAL-UZ 161, 2012-07: Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label Energy-Conscious Data Centers. Online verfügbar unter
  • Berkhout, Frans; Hertin, Julia (2001): Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies on Environmental Sustainability: speculations and evidence. Report to the OECD. Hg. v. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD. Brighton. Online verfügbar unter
  • Bouwers, Eric; van Deursen, Arie; Visser, Joost (2013): Evaluating usefulness of software metrics: an industrial experience report. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering. IEEE Press, S. 921–930.
  • Bozzelli, Paolo; Gu, Qing; Lago, Patricia (2013): A systematic literature review on green software metrics. Technical Report: VU University Amsterdam.
  • Calero, C.; Bertoa, M.F; Angeles Moraga, M. (2013a): A systematic literature review for software sustainability measures. In: Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS), 2013 2nd International Workshop on, S. 46–53.
  • Calero, Coral; Bertoa, Manuel F.; Moraga, Maria Ángeles (2013b): Sustainability and Quality: Icing on the Cake. In: RE4SuSy@RE. Citeseer.
  • Calero, Coral; Moraga, M.; Bertoa, Manuel F. (2013c): Towards a software product sustainability model. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.1640.
  • Calero, Coral; Moraga, Maria Ángeles; Bertoa, Manuel F.; Duboc, Leticia (2015): Green Software and Software Quality. In: Coral Calero und Mario Piattini (Hg.): Green in Software Engineering: Springer, S. 231–260.
  • Capra, E.; Francalanci, C.; Slaughter, S. A. (2012): Measuring Application Software Energy Efficiency. In: IT Professional, S. 54–61.
  • Capra, Eugenio; Francalanci, Chiara; Slaughter, Sandra A. (2011): Is software green? Application development environments and energy efficiency in open source applications. In: Information and Software Technology 54, S. 60–71.
  • Dick, Markus; Naumann, Stefan (2010): Enhancing Software Engineering Processes towards Sustainable Software Product Design. In: Klaus Greve und Armin B. Cremers (Hg.): EnviroInfo 2010: Integration of Environmental Information in Europe. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, October 6 - 8, 2010, Cologne/Bonn, Germany. Aachen: Shaker, S. 706–715.
  • EPA ENERGY STAR (2014): ENERGY STAR Program Requirements Product Specification for Computers: Eligibility Criteria, Version 6.1. Environmental Protection Agency. Online verfügbar unter
  • EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Climate Protection Partnerships Division (2015): National Awareness of ENERGY STAR for 2014. Analysis of CEE Household Survey. Hg. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Online verfügbar unter
  • Erdmann, Lorenz; Hilty, Lorenz M.; Goodman, James; Arnfalk, Peter (2004): The Future Impact of ICTs on Environmental Sustainability. Technical Report EUR 21384 EN. Hg. v. Carlos Rodríguez Casal, Christine Van Wunnik, Luis Delgado Sancho, Jean Claude Burgelman und Paul Desruelle. European Commission; Joint Research Centre; IPTS - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. Seville (Technical Report Series, EUR 21384 EN). Online verfügbar unter
  • Europäische Union (Hg.) (2011a): Beschluss der Kommission vom 6. Juni 2011 zur Festlegung der Umweltkriterien für die Vergabe des EU-Umweltzeichens für Notebooks. (Bekannt gegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(2011) 3736)Text von Bedeutung für den EWR. Online verfügbar unter
  • Europäische Union (2011b): Beschluss der Kommission vom 9. Juni 2011 zur Festlegung der Umweltkriterien für die Vergabe des EU-Umweltzeichens für Tischcomputer. (Bekannt gegeben unter Aktenzeichen K(2011) 3737)Text von Bedeutung für den EWR. Online verfügbar unter
  • Finkbeiner, Matthias; Schau, Erwin M.; Lehmann, Annekatrin; Traverso, Marzia (2010): Towards life cycle sustainability assessment. In: Sustainability 2 (10), S. 3309–3322. Online verfügbar unter
  • Fujitsu Technology Solutions (Hg.) (2010): Green Label-Kategorien bei Fujitsu Technology Solutions. White Paper.
  • Fujitsu Technology Solutions (Hg.) (2012): Green Label Levels at Fujitsu Technology Solutions. White Paper. Online verfügbar unter
  • GeSI, Global e-Sustainability Initiative; The Climate Group (2008): SMART 2020: Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age.
  • Gröger, Jens; Köhn, Marina; Albers, Erik; Löhr, Patrik; Lohmann, Wolfgang; Naumann, Stefan (2015): Nachhaltige Software. Dokumentation des Fachgesprächs „Nachhaltige Software“ am 28.11.2014. Hg. v. Umweltbundesamt. Öko-Institut e.V. Dessau-Roßlau. Online verfügbar unter
  • Gröger, Jens; Quack, Dietlinde; Grießhammer, Rainer; Gattermann, Marah (2013): TOP 100 - Umweltzeichen für klimarelevante Produkte: Freiburg. Online verfügbar unter
  • Held, Alexandra (2010): Entwicklung und Operationalisierung von Kriterien zur Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Softwareprodukten. Abschlussarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Master of Science eingereicht am Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld. Masterarbeit. Fachhochschule Trier, Standort Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Hoppstädten-Weiersbach. ISS Institut für Softwaresysteme in Wirtschaft, Umwelt und Verwaltung.
  • Hilty, Lorenz; Lohmann, Wolfgang; Behrendt, Siegfried; Evers-Wölk, Michaela; Fichter, Klaus; Hintemann, Ralph (2015): Grüne Software. Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben: Ermittlung und Erschließung von Umweltschutzpotenzialen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik (Green IT). Studie im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, Berlin, Förderkennzeichen 3710 95 302/3 (im Druck).
  • Horne, Ralph E. (2009): Limits to labels: The role of eco-labels in the assessment of product sustainability and routes to sustainable consumption. In: International Journal of Consumer Studies 33 (2), S. 175–182. Online verfügbar unter
  • Kern, Eva; Dick, Markus; Naumann, Stefan; Guldner, Achim; Johann, Timo (2013): Green Software and Green Software Engineering – Definitions, Measurements, and Quality Aspects. In: Lorenz M. Hilty, Bernard Aebischer, Göran Andersson und Wolfgang Lohmann (Hg.): ICT4S ICT for Sustainability. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability, ETH Zurich, February 14-16, 2013. Zürich: ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, S. 87–94. Online verfügbar unter
  • Koçak, Sedef Ak?nl?; Calienes, Giovanna Gonzales; Alptekin, Gülfem I??klar; Bener, Ay?e Ba?ar (2013): Requirements Prioritization Framework for Developing Green and Sustainable Software using ANP-based Decision Making. In: EnviroInfo, S. 327–335.
  • Koçak, Sedef Ak?nl?; Alptekin, Gülfem I??klar; Bener, Ay?e Ba?ar (2014): Evaluation of Software Product Quality Attributes and Environmental Attributes using ANP Decision Framework. In: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Requirement Engineering for Sustainable Systems (pp. pp. 37-44). Karlskrona: Central Europe Workshop Proceedings. Online verfügbar unter
  • Lago, Patricia; Jansen, Toon; Jansen, Marten (2010): The service greenery-integrating sustainability in service oriented software. In: International Workshop on Software Research and Climate Change (WSRCC), co-located with ICSE, Bd. 2.
  • Lago, Patricia; Koçak, Sedef Akinli; Crnkovic, Ivica; Penzenstadler, Birgit (2015): Framing sustainability as a property of software quality. In: Communications of the ACM 58 (10), S. 70–78.
  • Lami, Giuseppe; Fabbrini, Fabrizio; Fusani Mario (2012): Software Sustainability from a Process-Centric Perspective. In: D. Winkler, R.V O’Connor und R. Messnarz (Hg.): EuroSPI 2012, CCIS 301: Springer, S. 97–108.
  • Mazijn, B.; Doom, R.; Peeters, H.; Vanhoutte, G.; Spillemaeckers, S.; Taverniers, L. et al. (2004): Ecological, Social and Economic Aspects of Integrated Product Policy. Integrated Product Assessment and the Development of the Label `Sustainable Development´ for Products. CP/20. SPSD II - Part I - Sustainable production and consumption patterns. Online verfügbar unter
  • Naumann, Stefan; Dick, Markus; Kern, Eva; Johann, Timo (2011): The GREENSOFT Model: A Reference Model for Green and Sustainable Software and its Engineering. In: SUSCOM 1 (4), S. 294–304. DOI: 10.1016/j.suscom.2011.06.004.
  • Penzenstadler, Birgit; Mahaux, Martin; Salinesi, Camille (2013): RE4SuSy: Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems. In: Journal of Systems and Software.
  • Prakash, Siddharth; Manhart, Andreas; Stratmann, Britta; Reintjes, Norbert (2008): Environmental product indicators and benchmarks in the context of environmental labels and declarations. Öko-Institut e.V.; Ökopol GmbH.
  • Schipper, Irene (2015): TCO Certified Smartphones versusFairphone. A comparison of sustainability criteria. Hg. v. GoodElectronics Network Südwind. Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen (SOMO), Centre for Research on Multinational Cooperations, Netherlands. Amsterdam.
  • Schmidt, Benno (2014): Strategien für eine integrativ-nachhaltige Software-Entwicklung. Hochschule Bochum, Fachbereich Geodäsie. Bochum (14-02).
  • Schmidt, Benno; Wytzisk, Andreas; Plödereder, In E.; Grunske, L.; Schneider, E.; Ull, D.; others (2014): Software Engineering und Integrative Nachhaltigkeit. In: Erhard Plödereder, Lars Grunske, Eric Schneider und Dominic Ull (Hg.): INFORMATIK 2014. Big Data – Komplexität meistern. – Proceedings. 2. Workshop "Umweltinformatik zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wandel (UINW) / Environmental Informatics between Sustainability and Change"), 26.09.2014, im Rahmen der INFORMATIK 2014, 22.-26.09.2014 in Stuttgart. P-232: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), S. 1935–1945.
  • Scholl, Gerd; Simshäuser, Ulla (2002): Machbarkeitsuntersuchung für Umweltzeichen-Analyse der Möglichkeiten zur Akzeptanzerhöhung des Umweltzeichens" Blauer Engel" für Haushaltsgroßgeräte (" Weiße Ware") bei potenziellen Zeichennehmern: Umweltbundesamt. Online verfügbar unter
  • Stieß, Immanuel; Birzle-Harder, Barbara (2013): Der Blaue Engel-ein Klassiker mit Potenzial: eine empirische Studie zu Verbraucherakzeptanz und Marktdurchdringung des Umweltzeichens.
  • Sundblad, Yngve; Lind, Torbjörn; Rudling, Jan (2002): IT product requirements and certification from the users’ perspective. In: Proceedings of WWDU 2002 Conference, S. 280–282. Online verfügbar unter
  • International Standard ISO/IEC 25010:2011, 01.03.2011: Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- System and software quality models.
  • Taina, Juha (2011): Good, Bad, and Beautiful Software - In Search of Green Software Quality Factors. In: CEPIS UPGRADE XII (4), S. 22–27. Online verfügbar unter
  • TCO Development (Hg.) (2012): TCO Certified Notebooks 4.0. Online verfügbar unter
  • Teufel, J.; Rubik, F.; Scholl, G.; Stratmann, B.; Graulich, K.; Manhart, A. (2009): Untersuchung zur möglichen Ausgestaltung und Marktimplementierung eines Nachhaltigkeitslabels zur Verbraucherinformation. In: Project report of the Öko-Institut e. V. in cooperation with the Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) GmbH. Freiburg: Öko-Institut e. V. Online verfügbar unter
  • Umweltbundesamt (Hg.) (2013): Ökodesign-Richtlinie <Computer und Computerserver>. Online verfügbar unter
  • Vergabegrundlage für Umweltzeichen RAL-UZ 100, 2014-06: Vergabegrundlage für Car-Sharing.
  • Vergabegrundlage für Umweltzeichen RAL-UZ 78a, 2014-11: Vergabegrundlage für Umweltzeichen - Computer.
  • Walch, Isabelle (2015): Standard ECMA-370. TED - The ECO Declaration. Hg. v. ecma INTERNATIONAL.
  • Waller, Lars (2015): TCO Certified Desktops 5.0 - Critera Document and Certification Process. TCO Development. Online verfügbar unter
  • Warschun, Mirko; Rühle, Jens (2008): Zwischen ÖkoLabels, grüner Logistik und fairem Handel Lebensmitteleinzelhandel auf der Suche nach Wegen zur Nachhaltigkeit.
Term Description
Energy efficiency Generally, the amount of “useful work” divided by the amount of energy it requires. In the context of this document, “useful work” is operationalized as the successful execution of standard usage scenarios.
Hardware The material goods required to run programs or to store or transport data.
Hardware capacity Quantifiable characteristic of a hardware system which represents its performance limit on a given dimension of performance (e.g., working memory capacity, computing power, bandwidth).
Hardware system Delimitable unit of hardware that performs defined functions.
Indicator An empirically determinable quantity that provides insight into a matter that cannot be measured directly. The indicators proposed in this document have different levels of measurement. In some cases, researchers will have to settle for an ordinal scale (e.g., “insufficient”, “sufficient”, “good”, “very good”, or even merely “fulfilled”, “not fulfilled”) to avoid giving the false impression of non-existent precision arising from a cardinal scale.
Reference system A hardware system that is defined as generally customary in terms of its most important capacities (e.g., working memory, processor performance) during a defined period of time (e.g., one year). The purpose of the reference system is to be able to express indicators such as “minimum local memory” in relation to a reference value (currently “customary” memory).
Resource In the context of this document, a natural resource, in particular a raw material, a form of energy, or also the capacity of an environmental medium to absorb emissions. To differentiate natural resources from technical ones, especially hardware resources, the more precise term “hardware capacities” is used here for the latter. Since using hardware capacities always results in using natural resources, this distinction (which ultimately amounts to a definitionally difficult differentiation between the ecosphere and the technosphere) is not of decisive importance here.
Resource efficiency Generally, the amount of “useful work” divided by the amount of resources it requires. In the context of this document, “useful work” is operationalized as the successful execution of standard usage scenarios.
Software Programs and data in digital form.
Software product A delimitable unit of programs and data for which a license is available.
Standard configuration A set of conditions, defined as a reference, under which a given software product is run; it includes the parameter settings selected during installation or operation, the system software provided, potentially additional software products required for operation, as well as the reference system at the hardware level.
Standard usage scenario A usage scenario that is used for testing a software product and is supposed to be as representative as possible for the customary use case.
Usage pattern Abstracted form of a sequence of interactions with a given software product.
Usage scenario Description of a usage pattern which is generally machine executable.
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