Passwords are only stored encrypted!
If you authenticate yourself, your input will also be encrypted and only the two keys will be compared. This means that we do not know your password and therefore cannot tell you it.
However, we can enter a new password for you!
You have the following options:
Please contact the computer centre in person (building 9917 / 112) upon presentation of your certificate of enrolment or your official identity card.
If you cannot come in person, it is possible to send a representative to whom you must give a power of attorney and a copy of your official identity card as well as your certificate of enrolment. The authorised person must be listed by name and must also be able to identify himself/herself. We will then hand over the password directly in an envelope.
Write to us with your own signature and ask us to set a new password for you. In your letter, also tell us which password you would like us to set for you. Please enclose a copy of your official photo ID and your certificate of study with this letter (you can download a template below) and send it to us in a sealed envelope by letter post, house mail or messenger to the following address:
Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld
Postfach 1380
55761 Birkenfeld
Your password will be reset at the computer center as soon as the letter arrives.
Write to us with your own signature and ask us to set a new password for you. In your letter, also tell us which password you would like us to set for you. Enclose a copy of your official photo ID and your certificate of study with this letter (you can download a template below) and send it to us by fax to the following number:
+49 6782 17-1425
Your password will be reset at the computer center as soon as the letter arrives.
Download: Passwort-vergessen.pdf
Your password has to meet the following requirements:
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