The "Elektronische Wasserstraßen-Informationsservice (ELWIS)" of the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) provides comprehensive information on shipping and waterways. This includes water level and traffic information, legal information, lock information, as well as ice and flood reports.
FLYS – River Hydrology Web Service:
FLYS is a free river hydrology web service that displays the water level of a body of water as a function of discharge. Experts can use FLYS to analyze various watercourses.
groundwater atlas correctiv:
The groundwater atlas uses an interactive map to illustrate where groundwater levels have been falling, remaining the same or rising in Germany since 1990. The analysis shows alarming results: Groundwater fell to its lowest level since 1990 in almost half of the locations evaluated between 2018 and 2021. The effects of water scarcity are already visible, as shown by historic lows in the Rhine, forest fires and declarations of emergency in municipalities.
Sensor Web:
The fully functional prototype shows how OGC Sensor Web can be used to obtain various environmental data (including discharge, water level, precipitation, temperatures, chemical parameters, wind) from different data sources. parameters, wind) from various data sources (Wupperverband, PEGELONLINE) can be displayed together in one client. A notification service is currently being developed which will allow users to monitor the various environmental data according to their own rules.
German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB):
As an important component of environmental monitoring, the environmental specimen bank serves as a long-term observation of the chemical, physical and biological development processes taking place in the environment in time and space by creating evidence for ecological and toxicological evidence by archiving (chemically modification-free storage) representative soil, plant, animal and human samples and their initial characterization. Both analytes and biometric data can be searched for in the ESB information system.
Water Information Service for Europe (WISE):
www.eea.europa.eu und www.water.europa.eu/
As part of the partnership between the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA), the EU-funded cross-border project “Water Information Service for Europe” (WISE) collects and processes all water-related data and analyses across borders. The information collected ranges from EU directives and guidelines to various data sets, interactive maps, statistics and indicators. In addition, modeling of current and possible future conditions is developed and various projects and research are compiled. The data includes both marine analyses and information on all inland waters in Europe.
WasserBLICK - Water Information Platform:
The Federal Institute of Hydrology operates the “WasserBLIcK” internet platform on behalf of the federal and state water management authorities.
“WasserBLIcK” hosts the national water reporting portal and the central specialist portal of the responsible authorities.
Atlas of water innovations:
At the Water Innovation Atlas you will find innovative products from BMBF-funded water research. In addition to technologies and processes, the products also include management concepts, software tools and educational materials on the sustainable use of water as a resource.
Qualité rivière:
Qualité rivière provides information on the ecological status of French rivers, the fish species living there and the quality of bathing waters. The app provides an interactive map with color codes for water quality, based on data from water authorities and the Ministry of Health.
Find out more about floods/heavy rain here
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