Subterranean Information

BIL Pipeline information:

BIL is an information service provided by a consortium of operators across various utility sectors. It includes operators of gas, water, and electricity pipelines as well as renewable energy producers, among other infrastructures buried underground. A single request reaches all listed operators in sectors such as high-pressure gas, oil, and chemicals.

The standardized request process forms the foundation for secure construction site planning and execution. All necessary information is collected, and a responsibility check is conducted using the BIL surface-overlay principle. If a conflict is identified, further planning processes can be coordinated directly with the operator.


Austrian Mining Information System:

The BergIS geoportal, operated by the Austrian Ministry of Finance, provides a nationwide map of all areas in Austria covered by mining rights. In addition to map display within the geoportal, data is also available as an OGC Web Map Service (WMS).


Ground Motion Service Germany (BBD):

Ground movements can pose risks to people and infrastructure. Long-term monitoring of subsurface processes related to underground utilization (e.g., mining, geothermal projects) and infrastructure is conducted using terrestrial survey methods. To support national operational use of Copernicus data and InSAR technology, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) operates the Ground Motion Service Germany (BBD) .

Generated data products are used by authorities for hazard prevention, urban planning, and more. An interactive web app allows visualization and downloading of ground movement data.


European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI):

EGDI is a European Geological Data Infrastructure managed by EuroGeoSurveys (EGS). It provides access to pan-European and national geological datasets and services from Geological Surveys across Europe. EGDI supports EGS's efforts to establish a Geological Service for Europe.

EGDI offers access to over 800 map layers and numerous documents (reports, images, tables, etc.). A database for geological 3D models is also included.


EPOS data portal:

EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a multidisciplinary research infrastructure facilitating integrated use of data, products, and facilities in European geosciences. It integrates national and transnational research infrastructures related to solid earth sciences and fosters global interoperability in geosciences.

The EPOS architecture includes national research infrastructures (NRIs) as data providers, integrated core services (ICS) offering access to multidisciplinary data, products, and services, and thematic core services (TCS) providing specialized access in areas such as seismology, volcanology, and geodesy.

Gigabit Register:

The Gigabit Register is a centralized portal that consolidates information for planning and expanding digital infrastructures in Germany. It integrates geoinformation systems, data, and maps on broadband and mobile network coverage. Users can access tools such as the broadband atlas, mobile network monitoring, network coverage maps, and the infrastructure atlas.


Subsurface Hazard Potential NRW:

The Subsurface Hazard Potential NRW platform provides initial free information on mining and geologically induced hazards in North Rhine-Westphalia that may cause surface damage, posing risks to humans, the environment, and property.


Geological Service for Europe:

The GSEU project focuses on developing uniform data and information services across Europe related to critical raw materials, geothermal energy, underground storage capacity for sustainable energy carriers, and groundwater dynamics. It also provides valuable information on climate change to better assess coastal area risks.


Infrastructure Atlas (ISA):

Operated by the Federal Network Agency, the Infrastructure Atlas (ISA)  consolidates information and services related to the Infrastructure Atlas. This tool is a central component of the Gigabit Register and provides essential data for planning and expanding digital infrastructures.

In addition to providing access to location data from network operators, the Gigabit Registry offers comprehensive information on broadband and mobile network coverage, network coverage maps, and analyses. Access to the Infrastructure Atlas is regulated under the Telecommunications Act (TKG) and is available only to authorized users.


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