Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS):
The Ocean Biogreographic information System (OBIS) seeks to absorb, integrate, and assess isolated datasets into a larger, more comprehsensive pictures of life in our oceans. The system hopes to stimulate research about our oceans to generate new hypotheses concerning evolutionary processes, species distributions, and roles of organisms in marine systems on a global scale.
The "Landschafts- und Naturschutzinformationssystem (LANIS-Bund)" of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is an Information System which includes the central data on flora, fauna, vegetation and species protection law, monitoring in nature conservation and the landscape, protected areas, biotopes and spatial planning. A meta-information system based on the environmental data catalog and a geodata service are also included.
landwirtschaftsdaten.de - Data for Agriculture:
With its data portal for agriculture, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Germany provides a central point of access to open data on topics relating to its ministry.
MAB Palatinate Forest Biosphere Reserve/ Vosges du Nord:
Nature knows no boundaries. It is therefore of the utmost importance to free ourselves from the barriers - built up by history - called borders, in order to be less restricted in the effectiveness of actions to protect nature and the environment. The promotion of sustainable and lasting development, which seeks to protect a common natural and cultural space with its inhabitants on both sides of the border, opens up new perspectives. The cross-border biosphere reserve was created with this in mind. Opening up borders encourages the exchange of ideas and synergy effects in order to find the best possible solutions for people and the environment. A virtual visit prepares you for the special features of the region.
FloraWeb is a data and information portal on wild plants and vegetation in Germany. The system offered by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation provides online access to databases with a photo gallery and data on the distribution, protection, endangerment and ecology of all native plant species.
WILD - Wildlife Information System:
WILD, the wildlife information system of the German federal states, was launched in the fall of 2000 by the German Hunting Association. The aim of this long-term project is the nationwide recording of selected wild animal species using scientific methods in order to have reliable data available in the future. Concepts for the protection and sustainable use of wild animal populations are to be developed from the determined population densities and population trends, which will be analyzed taking into account various environmental factors (including weather conditions and the influence of predators). The comprehensive project manual describes the objectives, structure and implementation of the WILD project.
Biodiversity - fostering old crops in Rhineland-Palatinate:
The great importance of “old” crop varieties is undisputed. In order to preserve them for future generations, the Rhineland-Palatinate Rural Service Centers have launched the “Biodiversity - Promotion of Old Crops” project. All information on Rhineland-Palatinate crops whose origins can be traced back to before 1970 is collected here.
Research server for the National Parks Hunsrück-Hochwald, Hainich, Black Forest and Eifel
The Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park research server was developed as part of an R&D project at the Birkenfeld Environmental Campus and has been online since 2018. The aim is to provide all scientists and research groups with central and efficient access to the literature and data landscape of the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park. The Hainich, Black Forest and Eifel National Parks have now joined the “research server” idea.
Biodiversity Monitoring System of Switzerland:
Switzerland is one of the first countries in the world to monitor its biodiversity. While quality targets expressed in figures are recognized in most environmental areas, there are as yet no guidelines on how biodiversity should change. Biodiversity monitoring serves to define such concrete targets for nature conservation policy and to review their consequences.
Database of cultural property in the Trier region:
The Trier region, one of the most historic regions in Europe: prehistoric menhirs, major Roman buildings, medieval castles and towns, magnificent baroque buildings, wine villages and wine castles, many technical monuments and evidence of the once flourishing Jewish culture of the Trier region are waiting to be visited by you.
Is an important cultural monument missing and/or do you have a (better) photo and/or a more detailed text for a cultural monument? The cultural database is happy to receive any further information - texts, images, videos, sounds (e.g. on organs) - on cultural assets in the Trier region.
Deutschlandflora - Flora of Germany:
This web service of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation provides distribution maps and information on the distribution points of flora in Germany.
International Barcode of Life:
This scientific association, which was founded in 2008, works together with various governments and on numerous projects with the aim of recording the entire biodiversity of the world in a large database. To this end, the DNA of each species is sequenced and broken down in detail. The association focuses on the provision of technology and infrastructure, analytical protocols and international cooperation.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility:
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility is an international network and data infrastructure established by the OECD. It makes extensive information about all life on earth freely available to everyone, everywhere.
Ornitho - overview of bird life in Germany:
For no other species group than birds is more information available on their distribution, populations and long-term changes. However, in contrast to the systematic surveys of the bird world as part of bird monitoring, there has so far been no uniform data collection of casual observations in Germany and Luxembourg that is coordinated with all specialist institutions, i.e. all those observations that are made outside the systematic survey programs during excursions to interesting areas as well as on walks, on the way to work, from the balcony or in the garden. As a result, this valuable information can only be scientifically evaluated or used for nature conservation work to a limited extent, especially at a supra-regional level. This gap was closed in October 2011 by ornitho.de and ornitho.lu.
Ornitho - overview of bird life in Switzerland:
ornitho.ch is a platform for recording and presenting bird observations in Switzerland. The website allows birdwatchers to report their observations and share information about various bird species. The platform also contains current news, event information and information on special topics such as bird counts.
The platform informs users about the current state of birdlife in Switzerland and promotes collaboration and the exchange of birdwatching data.
Map of Life:
Geographic information on biodiversity is crucial for understanding the many services provided by nature and their potential changes, but remains unreliable and often insufficient. Map of Life is based on a scalable web platform designed for large-scale biodiversity and environmental data. Map of Life strives to provide the best possible information on the distribution range of species and species lists for each geographical area. The program aims to support effective and global biodiversity education, monitoring, research and decision making by compiling and integrating a wide range of knowledge about species distribution and dynamics over time.
ArtenFinder - Species Finder Portal of Rhineland Palatinate:
www.artenfinder.rlp.de and analysis at www.artenanalyse.net/artenanalyse/
The state's Species Finder service portal allows anyone to report observations of animals and plants and thus contribute to the mapping of species distribution. This makes a valuable contribution to nature conservation and nature research. The data collected is used in numerous projects and can be viewed by anyone in the analysis tool. Furthermore, there is now also a species finder app, which makes recording much easier.
Alpine Conventions Atlas:
The Alpine Convention is an international treaty signed in 1991 by the eight Alpine countries and the European Union to pursue coordinated protection and sustainable development of the Alps.
Since its inception, the Convention has focused on research and data collection. The Alpine countries established a System for the Observation and Information on the Alps (SOIA) as a tool to collect, manage and disseminate transnational information on topics of interest to the Alpine Convention. The aim of the SOIA is to improve communication on research and monitoring activities carried out at Alpine level through the dissemination of results and data and to promote integration between the Alpine countries in the field of research.
UVP-Portal Germany- Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
The "UVP-Portal" enables the public to obtain information on the Internet about current projects and decisions involving environmental impact assessments. It also provides access to the documents of an EIA procedure and provides information on the EIA. EIA portals exist in all European member states due to the requirements of the European EIA Directive. The federal EIA portal is operated by the Federal Environment Agency. The federal states also have their own EIA portals.
Lifegate 2022 is an interactive navigable map that attempts to graphically arrange all known species (2.6 million) according to their phylogenetic relationships in a two-dimensional representation.
Global Invasive Species Database (GISD)
The Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) provides information on invasive species that threaten biodiversity. The database covers all taxonomic groups and is updated regularly.
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