Osservatorio Vesuviano:
The Vesuvius Observatory is a division of the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology, dedicated to volcanological and geophysical research as well as the monitoring of active volcanoes.
Vanuatu Monitoring System:
Due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire and its widely dispersed small islands, Vanuatu is particularly vulnerable to a range of geological hazards, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Vanuatu’s economy, heavily reliant on agriculture and tourism, can be severely impacted by these hazards.
This project aims to support the Vanuatu government through a monitoring and information program for natural hazards. This framework forms the basis for all subsequent volcanic assessments and advisories, designed to mitigate the negative impacts of such hazards.
A key outcome of the project is the development of a comprehensive earthquake monitoring network and associated analysis systems, along with multiple cameras capturing regular photos of the volcanoes.
The project's benefits in terms of fundamental volcano monitoring, hazard mapping, and engagement with communities and stakeholders have been repeatedly demonstrated.
World Organisation of Volcanic Observatories:
WOVOdat is a comprehensive global database on volcanic activity, aiming to improve the understanding of pre-eruptive processes and enhance eruption forecasting. WOVOdat is provided by the World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO) and is currently managed by the Earth Observatory of Singapore.
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