Food safety:
The federal states or the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) publish public warnings and information on this website pursuant to Section 40 of the Food and Feed Code (LFGB). Typically, these are notices issued by the relevant authorities regarding public information or recall actions initiated by food business operators.
Malaria Atlas Project:
The Malaria Atlas Project brings together a global network of researchers with diverse expertise from numerous disciplines. The project develops global datasets on malaria risks and intervention coverage and creates innovative analytical methods to answer critical questions based on these datasets. By evaluating burdens, trends, and influences at a geographically fine scale, informed decisions can be made regarding malaria control at international, national, and regional levels.
Health fact check:
This initiative for quality healthcare highlights regional disparities in Germany's healthcare system.
Mückenatlas (Mosquito Atlas):
Commissioned by the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMELV), indigenous mosquito species are captured and studied. This research aims to answer questions such as "Which mosquito species are currently present in Germany?" and "How are these species geographically distributed?"
Covid-19 Dashboard:
The Covid-19 Dashboard, created by Johns Hopkins University, provides a clear overview of the current infection situation related to the coronavirus pandemic. It compiles worldwide data on case numbers, incidences, recoveries, vaccinations, and hospital capacity based on figures published by state health authorities, and it also publishes its own calculations regarding the infection situation.
Global Disaster Alert and Communication System (GDACS):
GDACS integrates disaster and emergency systems worldwide to quickly and accurately identify potential major environmental hazards and issue corresponding warnings. A map displays current hazard situations. Key hazards tracked include earthquakes, storms, floods, volcanic eruptions, droughts, and wildfires.
Missing Maps
Missing Maps is a project led by a collective of organizations working toward a common goal: creating accessible map data for humanitarian organizations' operational locations. Each member organization conducts its own mapping activities with its broader communities, guided by shared ethical principles. Missing Maps relies on the collaboration of organizations, communities, and individuals involved. To achieve this goal, Missing Maps organizations are building a global community of mappers to help people in vulnerable areas represent themselves on the map. OpenStreetMap, an open data mapping platform operated by volunteers and supported by the nonprofit OpenStreetMap Foundation, makes all this possible.
Animal disease information system (Friedrich-Löffler-Institut):
The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (FLI) is an independent higher federal authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). It is divided into twelve specialized institutes across five locations. The FLI's work focuses on the health and welfare of agricultural livestock and protecting humans from zoonoses—diseases transmissible between animals and humans. These tasks are defined under the Animal Health Act.
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