Final Thesis (Bachelor-Thesis and Master-Thesis)

When, where and how do I have to register my thesis (Bachelor's thesis and Master's thesis)?

When? = You must register your thesis by the deadline specified in the (specific) examination regulations for your degree program.
In the case of Bachelor's programs, students must generally ensure that their thesis is registered no later than 6 months (12 months in some course of studies) after completion of the last examination or after the announcement of 165 ECTS for 6-semester programs and 195 ECTS for 7-semester programs. In Master´s programs it´s after announcement of 60 ECTS for 3-semester programs and 90 ECTS for 4-semester programs. The valid regulation can be found in the valid (subject) examination regulation of the respective course of study.

If the application is not submitted by the deadline, the first attempt to write the thesis will be assessed as "failed".

Where and how? = You must register your thesis at the Examination Office at the UCB. You can obtain the corresponding registration form there or as a download under Examination Office / Forms for Students.

In the first step, the Examination Office checks under point 1 of the application form whether the prerequisites for the registration of your thesis have been fulfilled. (See one of the next points)

In the second step, the first examiner assigns the topic to you and enters the date of handover of the topic with his signature. This date is the start of the processing (preparation) time for the thesis. The second examiner and the students must also sign.

In the third step, you must complete the final registration at the Examination Office under point 3 of the application form. The latest deadline for submitting your thesis will then be set according to the applicable processing time.

The original application will be returned to you, which must be kept by you and handed in with the final paper, as the evaluation of the written paper and the colloquium will be recorded on the back of the form.

A copy of the application remains at the Examination Office and a copy is forwarded to the relevant department secretariat, where the thesis is to be submitted.

Overview lists about applicable regulations, admission requirements and deadlines

For a quick look at the applicable regulations, admission requirements, deadlines, etc. depending on the degree programme, you will find overview lists here.
We are sorry, but the overview lists are only in german.

Department UW/UR
Old examination regulations

New specific examination regulations since 2024:

Department UP/UT
Old Examination Regulations:
New specific examination regulations since 2019, 2020, 2021:
Dual Bachelor

Where can I find the date of publication of my last examination performance / 165 (195) ECTS credit points so that I know by when my thesis must be registered?

You will find the dates of when the grades of your examinations were posted in the notice boxes located in the upper floor of building 9924, corridor North. This notice box can be found outside of the entrance leading to the examination office. This date is the start of the registration period for your thesis. If you can't be there, send us your question by email and we'll check for you when the deadline starts, has started, or maybe hasn't started yet or when your deadline to register the thesis ends.
Once all grades have been received and the attempt count for a semester has been completed, the Examinations Office will send a circular email to the campus email address informing you of the grades for a semester.

You can find out which registration deadline is valid for you in the examination regulations applicable to your degree program.

Can I return the topic of my thesis if I have registered it?

Yes, the topic of the thesis can usually be returned once within one third of the processing time of the registered thesis.
The thesis must then be re-registered with a new topic within 3 months after its return.
The specific deadline that applies to you can be found in the (subject) examination regulations applicable to your degree program.

This deadlines generally applies to most of the degree programmes. However, we advise you to obtain additional information from the Examination Office and/or to refer to the (subject) examination regulations applicable to your course of study.

What are the requirements for the registration of my final thesis (Bachelor's thesis and Master's thesis)?

Registration requirements for the Bachelor's thesis:

  • Proof of previous practical training (not in the english speaking course of study sustainable Business and Technology)
  • Appropriate study progress (usually 120 ECTS, 150 ECTS in the 7 semester courses of study)
  • In these Bachelor course of studies the examinations of the following semesters must be achieved (name of the courses are in german language):

    examinations of the semester 1, 2 and 3:
    Bei UP/UT:
    Angewandte Informatik, Medieninformatik, Umwelt- und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Verfahrenstechnik, Bio- und Pharmatechnik, Physikingenierwesen bzw. Angewandte Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Maschinenbau - Produktentwicklung und technische Planung, Erneuerbare Energien, Biopharmazeutische Arzneimittelherstellung basic and dual version
    Bei UW/UR:
    Nachhaltige Betriebswirtschaft basic and dual version, Sustainable Business and Technology

    examinations of the semester 1, 2, 3 and 4:
    Produktionstechnologie (Dual)

    examinations of the semester 3 , 4 and 5:
    Bio- und Pharmatechnik (Dual)

  • Additionally for dual study programs: Proof of successful completion of vocational training (IHK-Certificate) or of the practical phases.

Registration requirements for the Master's thesis:

  • Appropriate study progress (usually 60 ECTS for 4-semester master programs or 30 ECTS for 3-semester master programs, for Sustainable Change 50 ECTS)
  • In these Master course of studies the examinations of the following semesters must be achieved (name of the courses are in german language):

    examinations of the semester 1, 2 and 3:
    Insolvenzrecht und Reorganisationsverfahren

    examinations of the semester 1 and 2:
    Sustainable Change - Vom Wissen zum Handeln

Detailed information on the registration requirements can be found in the (subjects) examination regulations applicable to your degree program.

For a quick look at the applicable regulations, admission requirements, deadlines, etc. depending on the degree programme, you will find overview lists here.
Bachelor Umweltwirtschaft/Umweltrecht
Master Umweltwirtschaft/Umweltrecht
Bachelor UW/UR with new subject examination regulation
Master UW/UR with new subject examination regulation

Bachelor Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik
Master Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik
Bachelor UP/UT Neue Fach-Prüfungsordnungen
and duale Bachelor UP/UT with new subject examination regulation
Master UP/UT Neue Fach-Prüfungsordnungen

Where and when do I have to submit my final thesis (Bachelor's thesis and Master's thesis)?

When registering your final thesis (Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis), the Examination Office enters the deadline on the registration form. On this day at the latest, you must hand in your thesis at the department secretariat of your department. This must be done during opening hours. The opening hours of the department secretariats are Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. If you wish to hand in your thesis outside these opening hours, you must make an appointment with the responsible secretary.

Department UP/UT: Nadine Werle, organisation-uput(at), Building 9924, ground floor, corridor south, room 029, phone: 06782/17-1242
Department UW/UR: Elisabeth Kochems, e.kochems(at), Building 9912, ground floor, corridor north, room 011, phone: 06782/17-1307

How do I have to submit my final thesis (Bachelor's and Master's thesis)?

For the submission of the final thesis (Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis), there are certain regulations in each department as to how the thesis is to be submitted. The relevant information sheets are available at the department secretariats, where you can find these regulations. You can also download these information sheets from the website of the Examination Office under "Downloads for Students" or you can find them on the information stand located in building 9924, first floor, north wing, leading to the Examination Office.


How do I submit the digital version of my thesis?

Both faculties require the submission of a digital version of the thesis as a pdf file.
This file must be submitted via an upload link to the Seafile data sharing system of Trier University of Applied Sciences.

Detailed information on this can be found in the departmental information sheets under Downloads for students and on the special page Submission of final Thesis.
To upload, you need to log in with your campus account.

In what form do I have to submit my final thesis (Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis) if I am enrolled in a course of study in the department Environmental Planning/Environmental Technology?

The department Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik (Environmental Planning/Environmental Technology) has two information sheets, that contain all relevant information for this question. There is a short version of the sheet containing the most important information and a long version of the sheet containing all the information you may need.
You can find these sheets in the section "Downloads für Studierende" ("Downloads for students") in the Teaserbox "Vordrucke und Informationen im Fachbereich  Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik" ("Forms and information in the department Environmental Planning/Environmental Technologie").

Link to the Downloads of UP/UT

In what form do I have to submit my final thesis (Bachelor's thesis and Master's thesis) if I am enrolled in a course of study in the department Environmental Business/Environmental Law?

The department Umweltwirtschaft/Umweltrecht (Environmental Business/Environmental Law) has an information sheet, containing all relevant information pertaining to this question. You can find this sheet in the section "Downloads für Studierende" ("Downloads for students") in the Teaserbox "Vordrucke und Informationen im Fachbereich  Umweltwirtschaft/Umweltrecht" ("Forms and information in the department Environmental Business/Environmental Law").

Link to the Downloads of UW/UR


Can I repeat a thesis that has been graded as "failed"?

Yes, a thesis graded as "failed" can be repeated once.

Exceptions exist if the thesis was rated "not passed" due to the existence of a plagiarism. In this case the repetition can be excluded by the examination board.

For a Bachelor´s course of study the repetition attempt must be registered within 3 months from the date of notification of the decision that you failed the thesis due to plagiarism. For a Master's course of study within 3 months or 6 months from the date of notification of the decision that you failed the thesis due to plagiarism.

You can find out which deadline applies to you from the Examination Office or/and read the examination regulations or the general examination regulation of the Trier University if your course of study has a subject examination regulation applicable to your degree program.

If you miss this deadline to register the second attempt the attempt to retake the exam will be assessed as "failed", which will result in losing your right to continue studying your course of study.

Can I repeat a passed thesis to get a better grade?

No! A grade improvement is not possible for final theses (incl. colloquium)!

Declaration of Independence - Link for a Sample Template

For final theses, term papers and seminar papers, etc., the examiners usually require a declaration of independence.
In this declaration, candidates confirm that they have prepared their work independently and without unauthorised aids and that, if AI aids are permitted, they have marked the texts created with them accordingly and checked the content for technical accuracy.

A sample template for a declaration of independence can be found here; logging in with your university account is required for this.

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