The degree program in business and environmental law provides students with the knowledge they need to address complex business, environmental and energy law issues.
The program conveys technical and interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and methods of business administration, together with the aspects of sustainability.
Beginning winter semester 2021/22 Focus on the common good - A reliable education on business administration and management as well as basic legal knowledge for working in the third sector.
Focus on the common good - A reliable practice integrated study programm focusing on business administration and legal knowledge for the nonprofit and NGO sector.
Are you passionate about creating a greener future? Our innovative program combines (i) cutting-edge business strategies with (ii) a deep understanding of ESG law and (iii) communication skills.…
The interdisciplinary and international orientation of the study program offers the ideal basis for the manager of tomorrow.
The successful integration of commercial vocational training with the aspects of sustainability in the program means that our graduates are indeed in possession of specialist knowledge.
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