Study digitalization! The master’s degree program Applied Computer Science conveys in-depth computer science knowledge and focuses on innovative applications in environmental informatics and business…
Applied Computer Science is concerned with understanding, designing, implementing, testing and using computing systems, ranging in scale and complexity from small IoT devices to the global internet.
Applied Computer Science is concerned with understanding, designing, implementing, testing and using computing systems, ranging in scale and complexity from small IoT-devices to the global internet.…
Studying applied Sciences and engineering- combines substantiated scientific knowledge with its application in research projects for practical problem solving.
Optimized manufacturing processes and the conservation of resources require qualified young people who are up to these challenges in a networked work and production environment.
The degree program focuses on the effective use and saving of raw materials and energy in production processes – a goal that will only increase in importance within the industrial sector.
The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have a promising future and are becoming ever more important due to the challenges facing our society. They offer solutions for people and the…
Do you want to make a contribution to the fight against diseases integrated into a company? The focus of the study programme "Biopharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing - dual (B. Eng.)” is on the safe…
Do you want to make a contribution to the fight against diseases? The focus of the study programme "Biopharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing (B. Eng.)” is on the safe supply of established medicines and…
Companies and administrations need qualified generalists; the complexity of today’s tasks demands specialists. Graduates of the master’s BAE are able to provide both and to link them together.
Do you want to become a specialised manager for the construction, operation and optimisation of the infrastructure for the safe production of medicines and vaccines integrated into a company? The…
Do you want to become a specialised manager for setting up, operating and optimising the infrastructure for the safe production of medicines and vaccines? The new degree programme "Cleanroom…
A degree in media informatics will prepare you to work at the interface between computer science and media.
The degree program links product development, production planning and production via the integration of information systems in order to map these processes on the computer in a holistic manner.
Would you like to work in an exciting and diverse field at the intersection of computer science, economics and environmental sciences? Then Environmental Informatics and Business Information Systems…
A dual course of study in environmental informatics and business information systems. A successful combination of theory and practice.
The environment isn’t everything – but without the environment there is nothing! Today, environmental sustainability determines long-term success.
Mechanical engineering is going digital. In addition to the classic fundamentals, the end-to-end digital process chain is the key qualification for the future.
The degree programme Media Informatics is a convergence of creative digital media design and the implementation through computer science. Media computer science specialists programme and design, for…
The master’s degree program delves deeper into and expands upon knowledge and skills in the field of computer science and digital media.
Mechanical engineering is going digital. In addition to the classic fundamentals, the end-to-end digital process chain is the key qualification for the future. The ideal intergration of theory and…
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