Upgrade the semester ticket to the D-Ticket

The upgrade to the Deutschlandticket is finally possible!

After long negotiations with our contractual partners RNN and vlexx and some initial difficulties in the technical implementation, we have been informed that the purchase of the semester ticket upgrade can start on Tuesday, December 19, 2023.  This means that you will be able to purchase the upgrade for January 2024 from this date. We regret that the delayed start in December represents another month of double burden for many and would like to reassure you that we have done everything in our power to avoid this.

We hope that there will be no more problems for you for the remainder of the upgrade period. 

All necessary information for the purchase and beyond can be found below. As always, if you have any further questions, please contact us.


December 15, 2023

FROM: AStA Environmental Campus Birkenfeld

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