Registrar's Office

News and Important Information

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Service of the Registrar's Office

Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence

Students who for important reasons are unable to attend the courses necessary to achieve the study objective in a semester, may be on leave of absence at the request. A leave of absence should not be extended over two consecutive semesters. A leave of absence is valid only for one semester, starting at the beginning of the semester. The request must be submitted by the end of the registration period. The reason for requesting a leave of absence together with appropriate evidence, i.e. medical certificates, must be included in the request. It is not possible to grant leave of absence before the start of the study period and during the first semester. It is also not possible to back-date a leave of absence. Exceptions are granted only if sudden and unexpected events occur within 4 weeks after the start of the semester which make a leave of absence necessary. Leave of absence does not count as a semester. During a leave of absence no coursework and examinations can be performed.

Please note that the student fee must be paid within the re-enrollment deadline even if an application for a leave of absence has been requested.

The following will be accepted as reasons for leave of absence:

  • a prolonged illness of the student, which will prevent proper studies during the relevant semester
  • caring for a sick or needy relative as well as life partner, which will make it impossible to follow a proper course of study during the semester
  • Internships, provided they are not deemed mandatory by the examination regulations
  • a study abroad or practical work abroad in connection with study career perspectives
  • times of pregnancy or parental leave
  • working to finance the studies
  • activities in accordance with the Federal Voluntary Service Act (BFDG)
  • other specific social hardships

A leave of absence cannot be granted to prepare for a final exam.

You will find the application for leave under forms and applications on the following page.

Termination of Enrollment

Termination of Enrollment

Students wishing to terminate their enrollment without having graduated must forward an „Antrag auf Exmatrikulation“ (Request for Termination of Enrollment), signed by officials at the examination office, library, etc. (see request).

If it not possible to apply for termination of enrollment before the semester ends, the student ID card must be returned to the registrar’s office.

Students who have successfully completed their studies at Environment Campus Birkenfeld consult the student’s office regarding their termination of enrollment.

Please consult the student’s office regarding termination of enrollment for other reasons than the ones mentioned above.




In order to continue your studies and take examinations in the following semester, you must re-register within the re-registration period.

The re-registration period ends

    for a summer semester on January 31
    for a winter semester on July 31

To sign up, transfer the student contribution for the summer semester 2025 (for returning students only) to the amount of 321,40 € (Studierendenwerk 129,00 €, AStA 16,00 €, Semesterticket 176,40 €)  to the following bank account:

Recipient:        LHK Mainz/Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld
Bank:                Postbank Ludwigshafen
IBAN:                DE 45 5451 0067 0009 6236 71
BIC:                   PBNKDEFF

Reference: last name, first name, matriculation number

General Information:

The semester ticket includes the Deutschlandsemesterticket for students from 01.03.2024!
If you have any further questions, please contact the AStA:, Office Building: 9914 Room: 012

Students also need to renew their registration if they plan to change their course of study or request a leave of absence.

When the money for the semester contribution has been received the student has been re-enrolled and the confirmation of enrollment will be forwarded to the student by mail.

At „purpose“ please only and clearly write your first and last name and the registration number, otherwise you will not be re-enrolled.  It is your responsibility to proof that the money for your re-enrollment has been transferred.

Please note that money transfers, even when using online banking, can take up to 5 days.

The university will levy a surcharge of €25.00 on late re-enrollment.

For further information please contact your student office.

Additional Information:

After the money has been received you are automatically re-enrolled into the next semester. Re-enrollment is not possible if an examination has failed without option to re-sit (loss of right to sit an examination) or after the final exam has been passed.

Please contact your student’s office in good time regarding this matter.

Applications for leave of absence need to be handed in together with a written statement and the respective documents stating the reasons for the leave of absence. 
Please note that applications for leave of absence must be filed during the re-enrollment period. 

Applications for a change of enrollment (change of degree program) must be submitted via the student portal. You can find instructions under Downloads.
Before changing your degree program, please contact the Examination Office for detailed information about your options and possible consequences of changing your degree program.

Applications for a change of enrollment can be submitted until the end of the application period, but they will only take effect from the beginning of the following semester.


E-Mail: studienservice(at)

Phone:  +49 6782 17-1826

Delivery Address
Trier University of Applied Sciences 
Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
Post Office Box 13 80
55761 Birkenfeld 

Contact Address
Registrar's Office
Campusallee Building 9924, 
Room 035
55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach

Dates for consultations

Monday and Thursday: 10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Tuesday: 08:30 am to 10:00 am

Wednesday: 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm

The registrar's office is closed on Fridays.

It is, of course, possible to set appointments outside of the regular opening hours.

Consulting Service by phone

Monday and Thursday:  08:00 am to 09:30 am

Tuesday: 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm

Wednesday: 10:00 am to 12:00 am

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