Yes, if you want to participate in an examination, you have to register for the examination using QIS, a student administration system. This also includes repeat attempts, pre-tests, interdisciplinary projects, seminars (in-depth), technical projects and so on. The registration must be done by yourself and during the registration deadlines, which can be found in QIS system under the respective examination. Theses registration deadlines are cut-off periods. The registration must occur prior to the provided deadline. A registration can be completed up until the last day of the provided deadline (23:59 P.M.). Once the deadline has past, registration is no longer possible.
If you have problems with the registration in QIS, please contact the Examination Office within the registration deadline so that we can help you with the registration. This is no longer possible after the registration deadline.
The registration deadline for all examinations ends three working days before the respective examination date at midnight (23:59). Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays do not count as working days.
For project work (IP) and specialist projects in the Department of Environmental Planning/Environmental Technology, registration must be submitted by May 15 in the summer semester and by November 15 in the winter semester.
The registration must be done during the registration deadlines, which can be found in QIS system under the respective examination. Theses registration deadlines are cut-off periods. The registration must occur prior to the provided deadline. The deadline ends at midnight three working days before the date of the examination (see the text of the examination regulations below). A registration can be completed up until the last day of the provided deadline (23:59 P.M.). Once the deadline has past, registration is no longer possible. In this case, please contact the Examination Office immediately.
Text of the (old) examination regulations:
Students must independently register or deregister for all examinations and all repeat examinations in the university's electronic examination administration system within the registration deadlines (cut-off deadlines) applicable during the respective semester. Unless otherwise specified by the examination board or the body appointed by it, the time limit for registration or withdrawal for each examination will expire at midnight three working days before the date of the examination. Saturdays are not counted as working days. If the registration is not made in time, participation in the examination is not permitted. If the cancellation is not made within the deadline, the examination will be assessed as "failed" if the students do not take this examination without good reason. The examination board decides on exceptions.
Text of the § 4 para. 3 of the General examination regulation in the courses of study at the Trier Universitiy, valid in all courses with a subject examination regulation:
Students must register for all coursework and examinations as well as for retakes within the applicable registration deadlines (cut-off periods) in the university's own electronic examination management system and, if necessary, withdraw from them. Unless the Examination Board or the body entrusted by it with this task in accordance with para. 2 has set other deadlines, the registration and withdrawal period for each examination ends three working days before the respective examination date at midnight. Saturdays do not count as working days. If registration is not completed on time, participation in the examination is not permitted. If a student does not withdraw from the examination in due time, the examination will be graded as "failed" if the student does not take part in the examination without good reason. § 12 para. 1 applies accordingly. The relevant examination board shall decide on exceptions.
Yes, you have to utilize the QIS system to register for Interdisciplinary projects, technical projects and laboratory projects. Deadlines for the registration are 15 May for the summer semester projects and 15 November for the winter semester projects.
If you are not registered for an examination within the given deadline, you are not allowed to participate in the examination.
This also applies to repeat examinations, in particular a third attempt.
As of the winter semester 2019/2020 late registration for exams will NO LONGER be accepted!!!
Please check the QIS system on a regular basis to ensure that you are correctly registered for all the examinations that you would like to participate in. Please contact the Examination Office immediately during the registration deadlines if you have problems with the registration.
For technical difficulties pertaining to the registration for examinations please contact the Examination Office prior to the deadline. This can be done via email up until the last day of the deadline. In this email please write the problems you are experiencing and for which examination you would like to have the Examination Office register you for. If this email reaches the Examination Office before the end of the deadline (last day of the deadline, 23.59 P.M.) your registration can be processed. If not, a participation is not possible.
You can only withdraw from examinations for which you are not yet obliged to take part.
However, withdrawal is only possible during the cut-off periods for registering for and deregistering from examinations, i.e. up to three working days before the examination date, 24:00 hours.
An obligation to participate exists for the repetition of a failed examination at the latest in the semester after next after the failure.
Example: Examination failed in the summer semester 2023, repeat examination voluntary in the winter semester 2023/2024, must be repeated in the summer semester 2024!
Regular withdrawal from compulsory repeat examinations is not possible. Only a withdrawal with a recognised reason, e.g. due to certified illness, can be considered. The valid reasons must be made credible and proven in a suitable manner (e.g. medical certificate, submission within three days of the examination date). If the proof is received late, the excuse will not be recognised and the attempt will be counted towards the three possible examination attempts.
A withdrawal from an examination which has begun is only possible if an acutely occurring valid reason exists. For example, after the beginning of the exam, you begin to feel very ill and it is not possible for you to continue with the examination because your performance capability is limited and it is obvious to you that you can not complete the examination.
In this case, the following steps must be taken in accordance with the regulation provided by the examination boards for the departments of Environmental Planing/Environmental Technology and Environmental Business Mangagement/Enviorenmental Law:
If you participate in an examination even though your performance capability is limited due to an illness, it is your own risk, decision and responsibility to decide if you want to continue with the examination and subsequently submit the examination to the proctor. With this decision, you have to accept the fact that you may fail the examination and any other additional consequences this might cause. As part of your student obligations to cooperate, it is your responsibility to decide before the start of an examination whether you are able to take part in it. Especially if you chose to wait for the examination to be graded, you will give up your official right to withdraw from the examination.
If, after starting your studies in one course of study, you discover that this course of study does not relate to what you have in mind for your professional career, you can apply for a change to another course of study.
You can do this online via the StudIS portal with your student account. To do this, select the function "Änderung der Einschreibung" (Change of enrollment) and follow the steps there through to the end. For detailed information how you can do this, you can find a download of an information paper on the internet page of the student services office (Link: ). Please note that the degree program must be accepted and enrolment must be applied for.
The application must be done within the re-registration period for the following semester, at the latest by the end of a semester for the following semester.
We advise you to seek detailed advice from the Examination Office before changing degree programs and to make an appointment with the person responsible for your degree program.
If you are receiving BAföG, it is essential that you ask the BAföG office responsible for you whether the change of degree programme will affect your BAföG entitlement.
After a change of course of study, you will receive a provisional assessment notice from the Student Services Office stating that you must apply for recognition of achievements within the first semester after enrolment. Please contact the Examination Office as soon as possible to clarify the details.
Recognition is only granted upon application and will be granted on the basis of your achievements from the old degree course in accordance with the recognition lists for the new degree course established by the department.
Based on the recognized ECTS credit points, the student is placed in the corresponding semester in the new course of study:
0 – 29 ECTS = 1. Semester
30 – 59 ECTS = 2. Semester
60 – 89 ECTS = 3. Semester
90 – 119 ECTS = 4. Semester
120 – 149 ECTS = 5. Semester
150 – 179 ECTS = 6. Semester
180 – 209 ECTS =7. Semester
Yes, you can change back to or re-enrol in a course of study in which you have already been enrolled. However, this is only possible if you still have the right to take examinations in this course of study. If you lose your examination entitlement in this course of study (= Final failure of a module after failing the examination three times), you will not be able to re-enroll in this course of study.
If you re-enroll in a course of study in which you have already enrolled, the old status is restored. This means that the semester count continues where it left off. In addition, the failed attempts that have already been made will be counted towards the re-enrolment. Any work already done will be recognized upon to a necessary application.
Please note that if you re-enroll in the same course of study, you may will have to take any upcoming repeat examinations immediately.
You will be notified of the recognition of ECTS credits, failed attempts and semesters as well as the upcoming examination obligation by the Examination Office in a final assessment decision.
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