Search: Business & Environmental Law

What do I find here?

On this page, a number of search tools are compiled for you, which can be used in addition to the Discovery System of the library for research in the fields of business and environmental law:

  • licensed databases
  • licensed journals (single licence)
  • research portals
  • other information resources.

For independent searches for subject-specific research resources, you can use metasearch tools:

Databases (licensed)

Beck Online
  • Link: beck-online
  • Access: Campus computer, home use (guide: access procedure via 2FA; with App privacyIDEA Authenticator)
  • Subject: law
  • Database type: fulltexts and references
  • Contents: law texts, comments, decision collections, manuals, journals, form collections. The university's license includes two modules:
    • Specialist Module Energy Law PLUS ("This specialist module covers the public and private law regulatory framework of the energy industry, in particular also regulatory law. The energy transition is already largely taken into account. In addition to legal topics, energy industry contexts and energy policy objectives are also covered. The focus is on the numerous commentaries and handbooks as well as the journals EnWZ, EWeRK and IR. The module is always kept up to date with essays, case law and standards on energy law.")
    • University Module ("With the university module, you receive a module that contains a variety of Beck's works available online, independent of the subject module." The exact content of the module can be found on the linked website.)
DATEV Students Online: LEXinform
  • Link: DATEV Students online
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: finance, law, economics, administrative science, taxation
  • Database type: full texts, e-learnings, software
  • Contents: The learning platform DATEV Students i. a. offers access to the database "LEXinform Steuern, Recht und Wirtschaft". It is a comprehensive database on national and international tax law, business and civil law and business administration. The DATEV platform also offers you:

    - programs on accounting, auditing, enterprise analysis, taxation and others
    - e-learning (including credits)
    - reference works on family law, accounting, tax declaration i. a.
    - expertise systems
Haufe Finance Office Professional & Steuer Office Kanzlei
  • Link: Haufe Finance Office Professional & Steuer Office Kanzlei
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subject: law, economics
  • Database type: full texts
  • Contents: The database offers a wide range of practice-oriented information in the fields of accounting, tax, controlling and finance. In addition to researching specialist content, it enables the use of numerous interactive tools (such as ABC analysis, ESt calculator, IFRS equity valuation). Legal foundations and work aids such as forms, sample letters, checklists etc. complete the offer.
  • Link: juris
  • Access: computer in the library or in the student workspace (room: 9915 / 111)
  • Fachgebiet: Rechtswissenschaft
  • Datenbanktyp: Volltexte, Nachweise
  • Inhalte: Das Angebot umfasst über 40 Datenbanken zu allen Bereichen des Rechts, u. a. Rechtsprechung, Pressemitteilungen, Literaturnachweise, Gesetze, Rechtsverordnungen und Verwaltungsvorschriften.
NWB Database
  • Link: NWB-Datenbank
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: law, economics
  • Database type: full texts, references
  • Contents: The online database of the publisher nwb (Neue Wirtschaftsbriefe) contains in various modules a comprehensive electronic range of tax and commercial law. Included are i. a.: trade journals of the publisher in full text, e. g.: BBK-accounting, inheritance and property (capital/assets), IWB - International Tax and Business Law, NWB - Tax and Business Law, StUB - company taxes and balance sheets, commenting works, bibliographic evidence ("Fachpresse kompakt"), legal decisions, administrative instructions (BMF letters, OFD / LFD orders, decrees of the Ministry of Finance, etc.), laws and directives (tax law, commercial law, double taxation agreements), tools (calculation programs, forms, checklists, sample contracts and letters etc.)
  • Link: ScienceDirect (campus computer, VPN)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles), references
  • Contents: ScienceDirect is the online portal of the Elsevier publishing group and offers references and full texts of electronic journals and e-books. The database provides access to numerous peer-reviewed journals in the fields of natural sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
  • Links: SpringerLink (Campus computer, VPN), SpringerLink (Shibboleth)
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN, Shibboleth
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (i. a. e-books, e-articles), references
  • Contents: Licensed are the packages:

    - Business and Economics (2010 to 2015)
    - Business and Management (as of 2016)
    - Earth and Environmental Science (as of 2009)
    - Economics (as of 2007)
    - Economics and Finance (as of 2016)
    - Energy (2013 to 2020 and as of 2025)
    - Technology and Computer Science (as of 2010)
Wiley Online Library
  • Link: Wiley Online Library (campus computer, VPN)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles), references (also: books, reference works)
  • Contents (DBIS): The "Wiley Online Library" is a multidisciplinary publishing portal that offers a variety of sources under one interface: electronic journals, books and book series as well as reference works published by Wiley / Wiley-VCH. The portal offers search options under various aspects including access to abstracts and full texts of open access journals. With purchased licenses, further full texts can be accessed.
  • Link: wiso
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: Economics, social sciences, psychology, law, technology
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles, newspaper articles), facts (company and market information)
  • Contents: The wiso database offers various media formats in the fields of economics and social sciences, psychology, law and technology. The University of Trier has licensed access to the module "journals" for its members. It makes it possible to access more than thirteen million German and English-language full texts from national and international (practitioner) journals, for example in the fields of 'Marketing & Advertising', 'Electrical Industry', 'IT', 'Legislation' or 'Environmental Management'.

Journals (single licence)

ERdigital - Energierecht
  • Link: ERdigital - EnergieRecht
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Contents: The ER EnergieRecht is a journal for the entire energy law practice. It is published six times a year and offers: a) technical papers and expert assessments on the law of renewable energies, the energy industry, energy efficiency and climate protection law, b) case law, c) current decisions, d) quick overviews, compact on current energy law topics and e) interviews with specialists. As a recipient of ER EnergieRecht, you also benefit from access to all energy law-relevant parts of UMWELTdigital - a comprehensive, constantly updated database of important EU, federal and state regulations.

Research portals

  • Link: DigiBib
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Link collection: Under the tab "Additional E-Media", the DigiBib offers you a collection of database and website links from the field of legal studies.
ViFa Recht
  • Link: Virtual Subject Library Law (ViFa Recht)
  • Subject: law
  • Description (DBIS): The Virtual Subject Library Law is an instrument for legal online research. It offers a location-independent and uncomplicated access to legal scientific information on the Internet. At the moment the following modules are available:

    - search 29 selected databases using metasearch
    - search for scientifically relevant internet sources
    - search for freely accessible legal full texts in over 90 international archives
    - various convenient research options in the legal holdings of the national library of Berlin and proof of new publications in the field of law
    - search for articles published in legal journals and commemorative publications
    - search for electronic and printed legal journals
    - searchable overview of online legal databases
    - proof of printed and online legal bibliographies (state: 05/2018)


Legal Texts and Case Law

Web Editing Library

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