Last week was all about cleaning up. The working group of Prof. Gerke and Prof. Vette-Steinkamp cleaned up the Technikum Maschinenbau at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld. The free space will be used in the future to develop dismantling processes for remanufacturing. In this way, the working group is making an essential contribution to recycling management and resource conservation.
Dismantling processes for electric vehicles, fuel cells, but also consumer and industrial goods are planned. Based on these examples, best-practice solutions and general methods are to be developed, which can also be transferred to other products. Companies from the region then have the opportunity to create solutions for their products in cooperation. The latest production technology from robotics, artificial intelligence, and Industry 4.0 will be used for this purpose. In particular, students from the Environmental Campus will be actively involved in the project, where they will support research in remanufacturing within the framework of their final and project work.
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